NUGS call for assistance to UDS
The National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS) has expressed concern inadequate infrastructure and the deplorable nature of social services at the Nyankpala campus of the University for Development Studies (UDS).
It has therefore appealed to the government, NGOs, philanthropists and other stakeholders in education to, as a matter of urgency, assist the university by providing infrastructure and other support services to promote and enhance teaching and learning.
In a statement signed by Mr Asabre Paul Pinamang, President of the University of Education Winneba Kumasi campus local branch of NUGS and issued in Kumasi, NUGS said the terrible nature of conditions at the campus posed a threat not only to the students but lecturers and other inhabitants in the university environment.
It said student organizations that NUGS came face to face with such a sordid spectre during their annual national delegates' congress held on the Nyankpala campus from August 27-31.
The statement said inadequate academic facilities such as library, poor lighting system and lack of adequate computers for internet services made it difficult for students to undertake research work.
It said poor environmental sanitation coupled with frequent floods and free grazing of cattle which resulted in the dissolution of cow-dung in stagnant waters produced bad odour.
The statement appealed to the government to take steps to improve conditions on the campus to improve academic work.