Moroccan mineral fertiliser company ready to partner with Ghana
Eight journalists are visiting Morocco to learn about some new initiatives of OCP and to attend the 10th Argus Fertiliser conference.
OCP is the largest mineral fertiliser company in the world which is now focusing on helping farmers to recognise the need to use fertilisers the proper way to achieve greater yields.
This, the company is doing by customising fertilisers to the specific soils being used by farmers with a scientific approach involving soil analysis.
On Wednesday, February 27, the journalists visited the Al Moutmir project in Chichaoua.
The project now has 10,000 volunteer farmers who are taking advantage of the initiative to analyse their soils scientifically, prepare suitable fertilisers through dealers and distributors of OCP products and learn from agronomists, the proper application of the fertilisers to improve yields.
Madam Fathiha Charradi, Vice President, Local Market Farming Development of OCP who briefed the journalists on site said the company was ready to go into partnership with Ghana to adopt the Al Moutmir approach in order to improve
OCP supplies the Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potash for the formulation of the customised fertilisers.
The farmers go through training sessions where they have the opportunity to ask questions and share ideas.
The project also uses tools such as digital technology to interact with farmers.