Methodist Women’s Fellowship celebrates Tree of Life Day
The ‘Tree of Life’ signifies growth and productivity, and Christians who believe in the doctrine, especially members of the Women’s Fellowship of the Methodist Church Ghana, must exhibit it through lives that bear spiritual and practical fruits beneficial to society.
The Superintendent Minister of the Airport East Circuit of the Northern Accra Diocese of the Methodist Church Ghana, the Very Rev. Dr Jacob W. French, asserted at the celebration of the ‘Tree of Life’ day by the Women’s Fellowship of the Immanuel Methodist Society, East Airport, Regimanuel Gray Estate off the Spintex Road, Accra.
He said it was not for nothing that the founding mothers of the women’s fellowship adopted the ‘Tree of Life’ as its symbol and logo in 1986 when the fellowship was granted permission to use the symbol as its logo.
The minister maintained that the ‘Tree of Life’ represented the source of life planted by God in the centre of the Garden of Eden, which continually bore fruits in and out of season and that it was a sacred tree which provided immortality to “all who sought the Tree and abided by it”.
Very Rev. Dr French said the ‘Tree of Life’ is considered by most Christians as the symbol of the Lord Jesus Christ himself and that members of the women’s fellowship who accepted the doctrine of the Lord must ‘seek to overcome evil with good’.
That, he said, behoved on women to lead lives that bring about ‘restoration, newness and healing’ to the world.
The Women’s Fellowship of the Methodist Ghana celebrates the `’Tree of Life’ annually throughout the country on the first Sunday of September.