Leaders must put followers first — Rt Rev. Awotwi-Pratt
The Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church of Ghana (MCG), the Rt Rev Titus Awotwi-Pratt, has called on Ghanaian leaders, especially politicians, to serve in the interest of the citizenry and the nation at large.
He noted that currently most people in leadership positions tended to serve their own interests and not those of the nation, saying that situation affected the development of the country.
The Rt Rev. Awotwi-Pratt made the call in an interview with the Daily Graphic during a thanksgiving service at the Mt Ararat Methodist Church in Accra last Sunday to climax activities marking the 65th anniversary of the church.
Celebrated on the theme: “Sixty-five years of God’s favour: the Mount Ararat dream, vision and focus”, the anniversary brought together past heads of the church and ministers of the Gospel from other Methodist congregations.
The Rt Rev. Awotwi-Pratt said the main objective of a Christian leader was to meet the demands of the people.
“Leaders are people of dignity and they must ensure that they do the work assigned them to improve the lives of the citizenry,” he stressed.
National development
Touching on the development of the country, he advocated a national development programme established by law that would oblige succeeding governments to follow.
“I don’t believe in manifesto practice by leaders in the country,” he said, contending that manifestoes did not promote the growth of a country, particularly so in situations where the two political parties that ruled one after the other had different ideologies.
The Rt Rev. Awotwi-Pratt stressed that the country’s leaders were supposed to have good advisors to help implement national development programmes.
He noted that because much education had not been done on the role of a leader, the citizenry did not quite appreciate leadership responsibilities and those of citizens.
He called for civic education on the subject to make citizens know the duties of a leader and what they also needed to do towards achieving the common goal of national development.
Nii Laryea Afotey-Agbo
Commenting on the theme, the Greater Accra Regional Minister, Nii Laryea Afotey-Agbo, said it was appropriate, considering the impunity with which people conducted themselves in churches, politics and public life.
He said it was also a clarion call for all leaders to live above reproach and abhor evil at all times, no matter their religious, political, social and tribal affiliation.
“It is our duty as Christians to hold on to what is good and demonstrate love and compassion for one another,” he added.
Trust in God
The Minister in charge of the Mt Ararat Methodist Church, the Very Rev Philip K. Mintah, said 65 years of unlimited favour and the goodness of God was worth celebrating.
He urged Christians and the public to love and trust in God, adding that a nation that gave God His rightful place was guaranteed His blessings.