Japanese Embassy gives grant for Asunsu CHPS compound
The Japanese Embassy has provided a grant of GH¢246, 664.50 for the construction of a Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) compound at Asunsu in the the Dormaa Municipality.
The CHPS compound would be provided with medical equipment and furniture.
The grant was provided under the Japanese Grant Assistance for Grass-roots Human Security Projects (GGHSP) scheme to enable the assembly to construct the CHPS compound to facilitate access to health care.
The Municipal Chief Executive of Dormaa Central Municipal Assembly, Mr Gordon Asubonteng, signed on behalf of the community while the Japanese Ambassador to Ghana, Mr Naoto Nikai, initialled for the embassy.
Residents of Asunsu and its surrounding communities could only access health care at the nearest health facility, which is some 15 to 25 kilometres away, at Dormaa Ahenkro, the municipal capital. Meanwhile, the road network from the communities to the municipal capital is in a deplorable state.
For the assistance, Asunsu and five other communities in the Dormaa Municipality would no longer have to travel long distances to seek medical care, while pregnant women would also have access to antenatal care.
In a brief address, Mr Nikai said the project would bridge the gap between access to health care and improved access to quality maternal and child health services.
“This long distance travelling time increases the risk of death in case of emergency. This is crucial, especially for maternity complications which have become one of the common drawbacks in achieving the Millennium Development Goal five, ” he stated.
Mr Nikai said the government of Japan would not relent in its efforts to continue its support for the development of its partner countries, including Ghana.
Mr Asubonteng thanked the government of Japan for the support and said Asunsu was strategically located, with many settler communities around it.
He added that when completed, the project would alleviate the suffering of the people, considering the distance between the area and the nearest health facility.