January salaries of 14,000 gov’t workers to delay
The January 2015 salaries of about 14, 000 public sector workers in the Greater Accra Region will be delayed.
This comes on the back of the failure of some unit heads in the region to validate and certify their employees to be paid for the month of January, 2015, a statement by the Controller and Accountant General's Department (CAGD) said.
The Controller and Accountant General’s Department (CAGD) has however given an opportunity to the Heads of Departments and Management Units in the region who did not validate their employees to do so between Monday, January 26 to Tuesday, January 27, 2015.
This, according to the CAGD will enable it prepare a supplementary payroll for the affected employees for payment by February, 2015.
The Controller however indicated that all employees on the mechanized payroll have been paid their salaries for January, 2015.
The CAGD in a bid to clean up the payroll system introduced an online Payment Voucher Validation System.
The payment voucher is a report that shows all the employees at a particular institution together with their payment details.
In the past, these reports were generated and printed manually and sent to all the institutions for the head of the institution to verify them.
But with the introduction of an online version of the same report, the process of validation has been made much simpler and quicker.
The heads of the various institutions are now expected to go online each month and validate the employees listed under their institution.
Failure to do this will result in the employees being suspended.
This new system has been in use since mid 2014 and it started with the Greater Accra Region and it is being rolled out to the other regions.
Currently, there the CAGD is training unit heads in the Northern Region and then gradually, the other regions will be roped in the online verification system.
According to the Controller, the validation and certification of the payment vouchers is a mandatory requirement for payment of salaries of employees in a management unit.
It thus warned all unit heads to note that the government policy and Regulation 3014 of the Financial Administration Regulation 2004 (LI 1802) which requires heads of departments and management units to validate and certify their payment vouchers before tehir salaries cold be paid by the CAGD.
The list of the affected management units in the Greater Accra Region has been published on the CAGD’s website on www.cagd.gov.gh.