Italian Embassy invites scholarship applications
The Italian Ambassador to Ghana, His Excellency Giovanni Favilli is inviting applications from all Ghanaian graduates for the third edition of the scholarship programme: "Invest Your Talent in Italy (IYT).
According to a press release issued by the Italian Embassy, all applications must be sent by February 28, 2018, through - http://investyourtalentapplication.esteri.it
The general entry qualification for the application includes a three or four-year bachelor's degree.
"The programme provides you with a unique opportunity to continue your studies in one of the leading Italian universities and to experience an internship in one of the top Italian companies," the statement said.
"IYT offers an opportunity to develop your skills through a range of Masters's and Postgraduate courses in English geared towards improving your academic, technical and professional skills, and on-the-job training at leading Italian companies while completing your academic work that provides knowledge for your future career.
The statement added, "Admission to one of the Invest Your Talent in Italy courses offers the opportunity of being beneficiary of scholarships, partial or total tuition fee exemption, and student support services. The scholarship is worth 8,000 euros per year and, in case of attendance of a two-year course, it can be renewed for the second academic year".
IYT provides scholarships to students from 15 countries and Ghana is the only country selected from West Africa.