Inter-university halls debate competition launched
An inter-universities debate competition has been launched in Accra, with the aim to help enhance academic research, learning, public speaking and stimulate self-esteem among students.
Dubbed, Yazz Intellectuals debate competition, and organized by Promptus Films, the debate is also to help students express themselves in Ghana’s democratic dispensation, as well as help students to inculcate the spirit of fairness in the youth.
It is being organized on the theme “fostering national cohesion through dialogue.”
Giving an overview of the competition, Mr Kwame Louyx Atobrah, a member of the organizing team said the show would be broadcast on GTV, Metro TV, TV Africa and Joy News.
He said 32 halls from seven tertiary institutions - University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA), University of Ghana, Legon, Ashesi University, University of Education, Winneba (UEW), University of Cape Coast (UCC), Methodist University and the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) have accepted to be part of the competition.
He said the show begin on March 17 and end on June 30,2018 adding that it would be divided into two segments for broadcast on tv, diaries section which will comprise the preparations and the show itself.
Mr Atobrah said the diaries would entail the research part, selection of candidates by various halls to represent them, interviewing of members, executives and personalities related to the halls as well as past students.
He said there would be six episodes of 30 minutes each for airing whilst the main show climaxing the debate would be aired 13 times for an hour each on television.
Past students will also be given the chance to debate but that will be non-scoring, he added.
The winning team apart from the opportunity of the bragging rights, will also get an electronic library and a 50 inch TV set 3months cultural exchange programmes during vacation and gadgets.
The second team will also a 50 inch TV set, laptops and cash, he said.
Prof Goski Alabi, who has been selected as the moderator to the competition said the debate would offer a platform for all voices to be heard, since the youth is the hope of Africa.
She said the competition won’t have losers but competitors because every participant would contribute to the success of the programme and encouraged and wished all the competitors well.