Int workshop on ebola preparedness to be held in Accra
The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) of the University of Washington, in partnership with the INDEPTH Network, will organise an international workshop on Ebola preparedness in Accra, Ghana, from February 25 – 26, 2016.
The objective of the workshop, which is funded by the US-based Paul Allen Family Foundation, is to broaden knowledge of potential Ebola virus disease risk for attendees from 22 countries in Africa. Participants also include those from countries that have experienced Ebola outbreaks: DRC, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
Additionally, the tools developed as part of the PAG Family Foundation Ebola grant will help participants identify at-risk regions within their own countries or regions of interest and help justify and prioritise surveillance and preparedness activities.
Ebola outbreak
The outbreak of the Ebola virus disease in West Africa was unprecedented in its size and scale. One of the most concerning issues was that Guinea, where the outbreak originated, was never previously considered to be at risk of Ebola outbreak.
Subsequent analyses using environmental information indicated that more than 20 countries across Africa have regions environmentally similar to where previous outbreaks have started. Many of these identified countries have never seen a diagnosed index case of the Ebola virus disease before, and may not be prepared for an outbreak.
Expected outcomes
During the workshop, the facilitators will engage with at least 66 stakeholders from 22 African countries determined to be at risk of an Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak to discuss Ebola and methods to prepare for future outbreaks.
According to the Executive Director of the INDEPTH Network, Prof. Osman Sankoh, there will also be an opportunity for participants to present and discuss existing preparedness measures that might be in place for Ebola and other viral haemorrhagic fevers to aid detection and mitigation of potential EVD index cases and outbreaks.
He added that the workshop will also focus on potential action points to strengthen Ebola virus detection and increase awareness of the potential threat the virus poses, as well as where further information needs to be collected.