Ineffectiveness of prayers among black people
prayers are words which are said giving thanks to God and asking for help. In other words, they are fixed forms of words that are said with the desire to speaking to God through exaltation.
Prayers are acts or habit formation mostly among religious people and perceived to be a demand among people who hope for something very dearly.
They are psychic trends that tune human minds to particular acceptable ritual citations with a feeling of elevating human faith to that of supremacy and self-confidence.
Prayers are self-meditation, leading humans to spiritual self-cleansing for the objection of wrongdoing to positive behaviour.
It is a good practice though but if not well managed, could lead to thoughtlessness and intransigence as experienced in Africa presently.
Unsympathetically, prayer could become a deleteriously spiritual disruption of God as He has given humankind every requisite for seamless sustenance.
Commonsensically, should all in the ecosphere pray, who would God favour and whom would He disfavour?
Should the medical doctor pray daily at his hospital or clinic for success, who must fall sick to visit his clinic?
If the auto mechanic prays constantly for his business to boom, who should damage his vehicle to visit his workshop?
If the coffin maker prays for customers, who should die for him to benefit?
If numerous teams participating in tournament pray to lift the trophy, whom should God give the medals and who should go home loser?
Should students in class pray for success, whom should God give the first position and who should fail and be ridiculed?
If we all pray for wealth, who should God shower and who should He deny to suffer deprivation?
Any problem faced by blacks makes them dig deeper into praying, leading them into further destitution.
To engage inegativity and be prayerful would be verboten to the point of being a sacrilege.
Truthfulness and hard work
Prayer is a checklist.
It is empty words tossed up into the air.
Abundance of it does not impress God neither does little disappoint Him.
What God desires from us is truthfulness with hard work.
God gave us super brain, strength and capability to excel in whatever we do to free ourselves from neediness.
God is not a discomfiting philanthropist who rewards the effortless at the expense of those who toil.
God never swaps positions of the prosperous who labour with the sluggish who depend on prayers typifying millennia languor.
Prayers can never change the mind of God, since He has already commanded the universe and asked humans to take independency with sincere faculty and slog.
Analogically, a politician never changes his mind on his manifesto for which he was voted into power but hooks to it no matter the amount of criticism or pressure from social media with prosaicism.
God, consequently, never changes situations to benefit individuals as things are concluded with permanent scientific bradawl.
That is why natural disasters such as earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanos and others that are uninterrupted cannot be averted with prayers unless regulated by human encryption.
Foolish reliance on prayers
Following are some examples of Black’s foolish reliance on prayers: A Muslim from the north came to Accra with his beautiful merchandise for sale and comfortably settled at Kwame Nkrumah interchange to attract customers.
As religious as he was, he left his wares to attend the usual intervallic Muslim prayers while a furtive owner decamped with his wears to his astonishment.
A Cameroonian ordered food at a local chop bar popularly referred to as face-the-wall.
He closed his eyes to pray while flies pegged on the food taking their segment transmitting diseases onto it that eventually made him indisposed.
Conversely, a visit to five-star hotels in Africa mostly lodged by foreign tourists attests that right choice of foods are made without prayers that endure them to longevity.
Omissions occur when people count on the spirit, leaving their homes unguarded for worship and on return discover that surreptitious owners have absconded with their properties without spiritual protection.
A surgeon friend said a woman whose womb was severed due to persistent tumour growth continued visiting prayer grounds to bear fruit.
The reality
At the central police station in Accra, a woman lodged complaint against a pastor for swindling.
The complainant’s grandmother had visited her for a while. After her departure, the woman was lurched with unfortunate circumstances.
She spiritualised her condition and solicited intervention from her pastor to terminate the perceived curse.
The pastor confirmed her grandmother had bewitched her properties so she should bring them for spiritual purging before she could use them to entice good fortune.
This innocent spiritual seeker did exactly that but was never able to retrieve her property from the pastor on persistent demand.
Blacks fear God so much that they are swayed to inanity when God’s name is mentioned.
Apparently, God does not protect and reward people the way blacks request in their prayers otherwise their pastors would not be engaging security agents for protection, visiting hospitals for cure and demanding money from them for survival.
Human life is enriched more only through knowledge and positive attitudinal change by eradicating illiteracy/ignorance and not through prayers.
One wonders why the spirits that perceivably dwell in us for which we pray shall be mute allowing us to suffer and die through cataclysms before jumping into obscurity.
People who live in fear fall prey to such teachings of religious delirium and become victims of misery from poor choices.
Blacks are the most powerful preachers in the world because we suffer from mental and psychological qualms. A teacher has no cause to teach if his students have no cause to be taught.
Nature has showered Africa with abundant minerals, rich soil, good weather, great human resource and enormous intellectuals that can make Africa heaven on earth but foolish dependence on prayers negating hard work has put us in peril.
The writer is an ethnomusicologist
Writer’s E-mail : ghansainvest@yahoo.com Tel. 0549683307