ICU commends workers
The Industrial and Commercial workers Union (ICU) Ghana says it will not relent in its efforts to advocate decent work and fair remuneration for its members.
It said although the quest for decent work and fair remuneration would be arduous and the path long, it would definitely achieve the goal.
These were contained in the May Day commemorative statement the General Secretary, Mr Solomon Kotei, issued in Accra on April 28, 2017.
Mr Kotei encouraged all workers, particularly members of the ICU, not to despair but keep hoping and working assiduously in building their respective institutions into stronger organisations for a better Ghana for themselves and posterity.
He assured workers that even if the goal was not realised in their lifetime, they would lay a solid foundation for those who would come after them to enable the attainment of the dream of equity in the distribution of wealth that workers had sweated to create.
Mr Kotei noted that the past year had witnessed some members being disloyal to the union and some employers seeking to break their front.
With all the challenges, however, the union had been strong and had successfully overcome all.
“Hence, the entire ICU-Ghana family is intact and has rather grown the union by increasing its members admirably,” he said.
He attributed the success of the ICU in overcoming such acts from some of their members and some employers to the loyalty of the greater majority.
On government’s policy on employment, Mr Kotei said: “The promised ‘One district, One factory, and One village, One dam’ are welcoming assurance of industrial and agricultural take off in the country.”
“As workers, let us be optimistic of the new era and the promising future, and double our efforts to grow the economy through hard work and increasing productivity for the benefit of all,” he said.
Mr Kotei assured employers of the continued collaboration of workers for the sustainability and profitability of their businesses.
He, however, served notice that workers would continue to demand their fair share of the wealth they had helped to create.