Graphic National Dialogue Series on health Tuesday
Two prominent professionals will lead a discussion in Accra next Tuesday to come up with practical ideas intended to improve quality health in the country.
Renowned pathologist Professor Agyemang Badu Akosa, and a health policy and management expert, Prof. Aaron Abuosi, will be the main speakers on “Quality Health for All” at the latest edition of the Graphic National Dialogue Series.
The event, designed and being organised by the Graphic Communications Group Ltd, is a forum for discussing development issues with focus on national consensus in a non-partisan environment.
It is also to collate the ideas into a document to shape policymaking at different levels of the social strata. The latest of the Graphic National Development Series will have a plenary session where the expert speakers will deliver papers on specific topics derived from different perspective of the theme.
The experts will later form a panel where a moderator will tease out the issues from their papers for discussion, with other participants contributing towards consensus building.
After the event, a report will be submitted to the relevant institutions to influence policy making.
It will be attended by top government officials, including ministers of state, parliamentarians, technocrats in the health sector, health professionals and the media, among other segments of society.
The theme: “Quality Health for All” is to give prominence to the critical importance of a healthy population to the nation’s development. Indeed, governments over the years have given attention to matters of citizens’ health.
However, from the perspective of both policy and individual behaviour, there are still challenges with achieving quality health for all. For example, climate change has become an issue impacting negatively on health in respect of floods and malaria, and heat and cerebrospinal meningitis, while occupational health is gaining currency.
In this regard, the theme was carefully selected to highlight the relevant issues and recommend practical solutions to them.
Prof. Akosa has been an enduring advocate of a conscious lifestyle that adheres to basic healthy habits for a healthy living. The medical doctor with decades of experience has been a prominent figure in the media space, contributing to various fora on public health.
Prof. Abuosi is an Associate Professor of Health Policy and Management at the University of Ghana Business School. He is highly regarded beyond the confines of the university’s community in the area of health policy and management.
With their respective vast experiences, the two will bring into sharp focus matters related to the theme in what is expected to impact health policies in the country going forward.