Ghana Lions outdoor new leaders
Lions Clubs International District 418 - Ghana, has installed Mr (Lion) David Owusu Anokye, a professional Real Estate Surveyor and a Fellow of the Ghana Institution of Surveyors, as its District Governor for the association’s Service Year Year, which starts from July 1, 2021 till June 30, 2022.
Lion Anokye, who is also the Principal Consultant of a firm of surveyors, valuers and land management consultants as well as a member of the Federation of International Surveyors and also a member of the Ashanti Regional Lands Commission, has been a member of the Kumasi Royal Lions Club since his induction in 1997.
Vice District Governors
To help him carry out his mandate, are members of his cabinet, whom he swore into office, including, Lion Emmanuel Kojo Gyimah, the Managing Director of Mina Chemicals Enterprises, who is a Chareterd Accountant and a Chartered Marketer as the First Vice District Governor.
Ms (Lion) Kate Baaba Hudson, Editor of the Junior Graphic, who was earlier the Acting Editor of the Mirror, both of the Graphic Communications Group Limited (GCGL), is the Second Vice District Governor.
Mr (Lion) Gyimah, who has been a member of the Accra Premier Lions Club since 1994, is a Melvin Jones Fellow (MJF), while Lion Hudson, a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow (PMJF) who was the Foreign Editor of the Daily Graphic for about eight years, joined the Tema Lions Club 24 years ago.
Equity, quality service
Mr (Lion) Anokye, who intends to align with the international organisation’s vision to ensure inclusive, equity and quality service by promoting a conducive and enabling environment for its members announced his vision at his installation, which also marked the second annual district convention of District -418 Ghana, for the Service Year 2021- 2022 as “Passion for Service”.
He noted that for the association to grow, the district must not only bring in new members but there was the need for current members to be actively engaged in the activities of the district.
“We must engage every member so that each person is able to truly live out the service that is in their heart,” he said.
He said he hoped to align with the International Organisation’s vision and strengthen their service impact through membership growth, leadership development and the support of their global foundation by building an effective team, inspiring unified vision and creating a realistic plan to pave the way for excellence and a full-fledged district.
Torgbor Mensah
The Guest Speaker for the installation ceremony, the President of the Advertising Association of Ghana (AAG), Mr Torgbor Mensah, noted that service to humanity was one of the surest ways of tackling developmental issues on the continent.
Mr (Lion) Mensah, who is himself is a senior member of the LCI District - 418 Ghana, therefore, urged the members to commit their time to serving humanity in order to help solve the myriad of challenges facing the continent.
“Service to God is service to humanity and never think service should be about money, it is not about money, serve happily and whole-heartedly and you will find the reward after years,” he said.
Diabetes Grant
The out-going District Governor of LCI District 418 - Ghana, Ms (Lion) Helen Maku Obeng, who installed Mr Anokye into office announced that the District had received approval of a Diabetes Grant of US$45,525 for its project “Hope for Diabetes Foot” in collaboration with the Hope Surgery Foundation which will be executed at the Abenkyiman Hospital in the Ashanti region.
She said membership grew from 27 Clubs with 775 members to 35 Clubs comprising 994 members.
“It was my desire to make Lions service in Ghana as vibrant as it used to be and I can confidently confirm that this has been achieved and it was a joy to see the passion and enthusiasm that members exhibited in serving their communities,” she said.
Collective success
The Past District Governor, of LCI District 418 (2019/2020), Ghana, (Lion) Dr Kwaku Mensa-Bonsu reminded the in-coming District Governor that his success, will be the association’s collective success, the success of District 418 - Ghana.
“Let’s all keep the new agenda uppermost on our minds- Full District now, Multiple District in the shortest possible time,” he stated.
Greater commitment
In his address, the Past Council Chairman and Global Action Team Area 8B (Africa Leader, Mr (Lion) Samuel Ekpuk assured the in-cmoing District Governor that he will be on hand to support and guide, but it will take greater commitment and dexterity from all members of his team to see District 418 grow and create more impact in the great nation Ghana.
Cabinet officers
The Cabinet officers include Dr Kwaku-Mensa- Bonsu; Honorary Committee Chairperson, Helen Maku Obeng; out-going District Governor and Lions Coordinators Charles Ninsing (MJF) for Global Services Team, Ebo Prah Manson; Global Leadership Team, Michael Percy Obakuma (MJF); Global Membership Team, Abi Adatsi (PMJF); Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) and Mr Prince Obeng Dwamena; District Cabinet Treasurer, Albert Ampofo Appiah; District Cabinet Secretary, with Ms Esther Tanson, Foster Asempa-Antwi, Nak Sarpong, Mary Nyarko, Dr David Ako Odoi and Mr Opoku Agyei, as Chairpersons for Zones One to Six respectively.
The rest are District Chairpersons: Nana Adei Duah Brempong I (PMJF); Environment; Dr Sebastian Nafrah (MJF); Diabetes Awareness and Action, Wisdom Komla Awittor; Hunger, Frank K. Ayivor; Marketing Communications, Dr Isaac Owusu; Sight Preservation, Awareness and Action, Edward Adzimah; Pediatric Cancer, Mina Arthur; Convention, Prof. Christie Offei-Ansah (MJF); New Voices and Specialty Clubs, Martin Olu-Davies; Peace Poster and Clubs Competition, Henry Quist; Lions Quest and Theodore Ayiah; Youth Camp Exchange, while Rev. Dr Samuel Calvin Agbotse is the Protocol Chairperson and Sergeant at Arms.
Lion Past Council Chairman Samuel Ekpuk, Global Action Team Area 8B (Africa) Leader giving an address at the installation ceremony.
Lion Dr Kwaku Mensa-Bonsu (Past District Governor, addressing delegates at the installation ceremony.
Lion Helen Maku Obeng (left), out-going District Governor, swearing-in Lion David Owusu Anokye, in-coming District Governor.
Some delegates at the ceremony.
Lion Kate Baaba HUdson (left), Second Vice District Governor in a photograph with Lion Agbesi Dzakpasu Convention Commissioner.
Some delegates at the installation ceremony.
Lion David Owusu Anokye (right), in-coming District Governor swears-in Lion Abi Adatsi (left), Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) Coordinator.
Lion David Owusu Anokye (4th right), in-coming District Governor swears-in Chairpersons and Coordinators of his Cabinet.
Lion David Owusu Anokye (left), in-coming District Governor swears-in Chairpersons and Coordinators of his Cabinet.
Lion David Owusu Anokye (right), in-coming District Governor swears-in his Global Membership, Services and Leadership Team Coordinators.
Lion Torgbor Mensah, Guest Speaker delivering his address at the ceremony.