Ghana Gas urged to exercise restraint in payment of compensation
Members of the Azanwule Family in the Nzema and Wassa enclaves in the Western Region, have advised the management of the Ghana National Gas Company (Ghana Gas) to stop forthwith the payment of compensation to some acclaimed landowners and farmers in the operational zone of the company.
This is in view of a law suit currently pending at the Sekondi High Court in the Western Region in respect of the acquired lands.
They contended that the entire Appolonia concession, including Kadadwen, Akentakye, Upper Wassa boundaries, Nsuaem to as far as Manvia, Bassam and Abuanda in La Cote d' Ivoire solely belong to them and, therefore, no other individual or groups could lay claims to any compensation.
The family said that was why the matter had been sent to court and until the final determination of the case Ghana Gas should not be in a hurry to pay compensation to persons or families claiming same for the acquired land on which the company is situated.
In the Wednesday, October 18, 2017 issue of the Daily Graphic, the newspaper reported that "Ghana Gas yet to compensate for Atuabo lands. Litigation over rightful owners to blame."
The report explained that "payment of compensation by the company is in spite of the Lands Valuation Division of the Lands Commission completing the necessary valuation of the land and Ghana Gas setting aside funds to compensate the land owners."
Speaking to the Daily Graphic in Takoradi, Mr Abeiku Kwofie, spokesperson for the family insisted that they were not privy to any media publication in August and September, 2014, calling for the submission of documents that would inure Ghana Gas to effect payment of compensation due them.
"Litigation on the said land is not yet over so Ghana Gas should exercise restraint in the payment of compensation to some so-called claimants until the final determination of the case in court. We are the only rightful owners of the land and hopefully the case in court will go in our favour," Mr Kwofie maintained.
Writ of summons
A certified copy made available to the Daily Graphic indicated a writ of summons issued on October 2, 2017 by Bosomtwe-Sam and Associates against Awulae Amihere Kpanyili III and seven others, initiated by Ebusuapayin Patrick Erzoah Tandoh at the Sekondi High Court.
The Plaintiff's claim is for the "Declaration of title to all that piece and parcel of land situate and being at the following places and being part of the general land held by plaintiff's family and called by the said names: Atuabo, Sanzule, Ampain, Anoakyi, Esiama, Awiaso, Bakanta and Christian."
The statement of claim was also a declaration that the Plaintiff's family is entitled to the compensation payable for the acquisition of land for Ghana Gas at Atuabo, the recovery of possession of those lands and general damages for trespass.
It again urged a perpetual injunction restraining the defendants, their workmen, agents, privies from dealing with the Plaintiff's families land.
Two elderly women of the family in their 90s, Madam Nyamekeh Avola and Chine Eluwa, who corroborated the assertions of the spokesperson showed historical documents to prove their claim to the Atuabo, Sanzule, Half Assini and Awiabo lands, stressing that, "that is the reason why we are in court."