Encourage entrepreneurs, youth to take up agriculture
The Chairman of the National Farmers and Fishermen Award Winners Association of Ghana (NFFAWAG), Nene Narh Davies Korboe, has appealed to the government to make strenuous efforts to encourage more business entrepreneurs and the youth to venture into agriculture.
According to Nene Korboe, this is attainable if the government steps up education to change the mindset of the people as well as create a conducive environment through the provision of infrastructure and sound policies coupled with incentives to accelerate this process.
He said this at the annual end-of-year get-together of the association in Accra during the Christmas festivities.
Interest rates
Nene Korboe complained about the high interest rate of 35 per cent per annum charged by financial institutions for agriculture.
He said the high interest rate made it impossible for farmers and fishermen to make the necessary infrastructure investments and also served as a disincentive to the commencement and expansion of agribusiness.
Nene Korboe further critisised the Lands Commission for the poor zoning of land and lack of enforcement which had led to the encroachment of farmlands by real estate developers.
He said lands zoned for agricultural activities were under threat from unscrupulous agents in connivance with officials of the commission.
He said, if care was not taken, arable lands near water bodies, with the potential of being developed as irrigation schemes to the general benefit of the country, would be lost.
Nene Korboe, on behalf of the association, also implored the government to reintroduce the subsidy on marine gas oil and increase support in inputs supplies such as durable fishing net ropes, echo senders, outboard motors, good breed fingerlings, GPS systems as well as improved supply of premix.
The association commended the Minister of Food and Agriculture, Mr Fifi Kwetey, for the able manner he resolved the challenges of the 2015 fertiliser-subsidy scheme.
The Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development, Ms Sherry Ayittey, was also commended for her dynamic leadership in making sure the industry became attractive.
Nene Korboe expressed gratitude to Chemico Limited and other fertiliser distributors for the love they showed to the Ghanaian farmer by keeping faith with the government in the midst of the challenges by making fertiliser available to farmers.
He further pleaded with the government to pay those distributors who kept faith with the farmers to enable them to meet their financial obligations to the banks.
2015 National Best Farmer
The 2015 National Best Farmer, Mr Ibrahim Musah, promised to use his tenure to mobilise the youth to embrace agriculture by establishing a model farm at Dormaa Ahenkro to serve as a learning centre.
He also appealed to the government to facilitate the early supply of farm inputs to help farmers in their farming activities.