Don't accept marriage proposals of men who don’t have toilets in their homes -MCE
The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) of the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abbrem (KEEA) Municipality, Nana Appiah Korang has advised women not to accept marriage proposals of men who don’t have toilets in their homes.
“Ask men who propose to you if they have toilets in their homes before you accept their proposals because beautiful women should not defecate openly”, he said.
“Where will you answer nature's call if your husband does not have a toilet in his home", he queried adding, “it will be your contribution to help fight open defecation.”
Nana Korang was speaking at a town hall meeting organized by the Ministry of Information and the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development through the Information Service Department and the KEEA Municipal Assembly at Elmina.
He said a
He said open defecation was a problem that the municipality was working to fight, adding that diarrhea disease kills millions of people in Ghana yearly.
The Central Regional Director of the Information Services Department,
Own Public Policy
He urged Ghanaians to see that “public policy is public property" and urged Ghanaians to see government policies as their own and work to ensure they were successful.
The forum called for support for skilled workers and apprentices and a factory that would serve as ready market for their produce.
They also called for improved infrastructure such as access roads to farming sites to help reduce the postharvest losses and organic fertilizers.
Food and Jobs
An Information Officer at the Cape Coast Metropolitan Assembly,
He said 75.29