DirectAid Ghana hands over water project to James Camp Prison
DirectAid Ghana, the Kuwait-based international humanitarian NGO on Wednesday handed over a water project estimated at $12,600 to the James Camp Prison in Accra.
The 100 metres deep mechanised borehole is fitted with an electric pump, has two polytanks for reserving a total of 15,000 litres of water, and has a stand-by 7.5kv generator for use in times of power outages.
At a brief ceremony to hand over the water project, the Director of Prisons (Technical and Services), DOP Nelson Duut expressed gratitude to DirectAid for providing the timely and effective solution to the institute’s age-long water challenge.
He said both officers and inmates have had to struggle, sometimes traversing long distances into nearby communities to fetch water for domestic use, adding that the intervention would reduce the time spent on seeking water and give more time for correctional programmes.
“I’m happy because water is basic, a basic need of human life, and when I was told that the name of the NGO is DirectAid, I said this is really, really direct to the people. The tendency of human nature is that we will go and find complex processes, mathematical formulas in solving human problems which will always fail. More particularly, with the Prisons system where we’re dealing with people in need, vulnerable people, what we need to solve the problems of the Prisons Service are simple, simple solutions like this”, he said.
The Country Director of DirectAid Ghana, Sami Henedak Ahmed Mohammed said the NGO was grateful for the opportunity to serve the community and would seek further ways to enhance the lot of officers and inmates.
According to Sammi Mohammed, the NGO with the support of the Government of Kuwait provided 170 boreholes to deprived communities across the country last year, and was hoping to close 2019 with a lot more.
He said these projects were in fulfilment of its partnership with the Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA), to provide mechanized boreholes to serve needy communities with water, saying this is part of the many support the NGO will continue to provide for “the people and our friends in Ghana”.
The Chief Hydrogeologist at the CWSA, Mr. Gustav M. Osiakwan also praised DirectAid for the humanitarian gesture, and counseled the Prisons authorities to set up a committee to carefully manage the facility and provide regular maintenance so it lasts long.