Cuban Ambassador bids government farewell
The Vice-President, Mr Kwesi Amissah-Arthur, has asked the Cuban Government to take advantage of the lifting of the 50-year-old blockade imposed on it by the United States of America (USA) to improve commercial ties with Ghana.
He observed that since the blockade denied Cuba the opportunity to freely trade with other countries to improve its economy, the time had come for the government of that country to deepen trade and bilateral relations with the rest of the world for the mutual benefit of their people.
Mr Amissah-Arthur made the call when the outgoing Cuban Ambassador to Ghana, Mr Jorge Fernando Nicolas, called on him at the Flagstaff House in Accra yesterday to bid farewell to the government after a four-year duty tour of Ghana.
The embargo was first imposed by the USA on Cuba on October 19, 1960, almost two years after the Batista regime was deposed by the Cuban Revolution.
At that time, the USA placed an embargo on its exports to Cuba except for food and medicine after Cuba nationalised American-owned Cuban oil refineries without compensation.
Bond of friendship
The Vice-President acknowledged the long-standing relations between the two countries and underscored the need to further strengthen the bond of friendship in order to make trade, commerce and health service delivery to Ghanaians by Cubans a profitable one.
Mr Amissah-Arthur recognised Cuba's support for Ghana’s health sector, where medical brigades from Cuba were offering assistance to Ghanaians, especially in rural communities.
“Ghana has fond memories of Cuba when it comes to Cuba’s support to our health sector and in many other ways, Cuba has shown us friendship,” the Vice-President said.
He said new challenges would emerge following the lifting of the blockade for which reason he urged the Cuban Government to use the new dawn to further deepen existing ties with other countries to promote south-south cooperation.
Mr Amissah-Arthur lauded Cuba for accepting to train Ghanaians in that country and urged Cuban-trained Ghanaians to work hard to become shining examples at their places of work.
“Ghana-Cuba relations remain very significant to our development, and we will continue to foster the relationship that identified us in unity and friendliness,” the Vice-President said.
He presented a traditional stool as a gift to the outgoing ambassador as a symbol of the government’s appreciation of his tour of the country.
The envoy, for his part, lauded Ghana for its unflinching support to Cuba throughout the period of its struggle against external forces.
Mr Nicolas expressed appreciation to Ghana for adding its voice to the numerous calls for the lifting of the blockade against Cuba.
He further acknowledged the support Ghana gave to his country for the release of the five Cuban nationals who were incarcerated in the USA.
Sounding emotional, Mr Nicolas said he was sad leaving Ghana at a time he had made many friends, adding that he would forever remember Ghana for its peace and hospitality.
The envoy praised Ghana for its political maturity and its ability to weather the storm in the midst of economic difficulties.
Writer’s email: sebastian.syme4@gmail.com