Community reshapes Ankaase-Amakom road
The five Kilometre Ankaase-Amakom road that connects four other communities located close to Lake Bosomtwe in the Bosome Freho District of the Ashanti Region has been reshaped.
The poor condition of the road was a burden for the communities with a total population of about 4,000 people. Following the reshaping of the road, it will now be easier for the people, who are mainly farmers, to transport foodstuffs to market centres, as well as attend to their needs outside the communities. Foodstuffs mainly grown in the area are plantain and yam.
The other communities connected to Ankaase are Duase, Dompa, Tumiabu and Mmrontuo.
Because the road leading to the area is bad, there is only one vehicle that plies the route from Ankaase and the other communities to Kumasi.
It is against this backdrop that the Asuoho Ankaase community took initiative to reshape the road. The community members contributed to purchase fuel for the only grader in the district that belongs to the Bosome Freho District Assembly.
Eventually, because of regular breakdown of the grader and the cost involved in having it repaired all the time, the people had to appeal to philanthropists and charitable organisations for assistance.
Following the appeal, the Kokofuhene, Koanko Nana Atakora Bonsra, who is a native of Asuoho Ankaase, decided to privately fund the hiring of a grader for five days for the road reshaping project at a cost of GH¢7,500.
In an interview with the Daily Graphic at the construction site, Nana Bonsra said he hired the grader so that the area would be opened for enhanced economic activity. He called for government assistance to have the road tarred in view of the immense tourism potentials in the district.
He then urged citizens of Asuoho resident elsewhere in Ghana and those abroad to support the people in the area either in cash or in kind.