Christian-based organisation reaches out to La Dadekotopon residents
Hundreds of residents of the La Dadekotopon Municipality, including children, have benefited from a free health screening exercise organised by the Complete Renewed Equipped Women (CREW) in Accra on Saturday, April 27.
CREW is a Christian-based women’s organisation that focuses on catering for the welfare of residents of underserved communities, particularly catering for the health needs of women and children.
The exercise also formed part of the group’s 14th annual medical outreach during which services, including general medical consultation, breast screening, eye and dental examination, hepatitis B and Malaria screening, HIV tests, ear and throat examination, checking of blood pressure and general health education, were provided during the exercise.
Registration and renewal of National Health Insurance cads were also done.
Medical Outreach
In her address, the President of the CREW, Dr Danita Markwei, said their move formed part of the organisation’s social responsibility and efforts to support government in providing quality healthcare for the people.
According to Dr Markwei, the organisation is a women's ministry of the Living Streams International Church and as a “a church we recognise the need to practise and promote the central theme of Christianity, which includes healing the sick and reaching out to those in need, alongside preaching the Word of God.”
The Member of Parliament for the La Dadekotopon Municipal Assembly, Mr Vincent Sowah Odotei, who was present during the exercise, expressed the government’s commitment to ensure that the healthcare and education needs of Ghanaians were met.
He said he had made the National Health Insurance free for every child up to the age of 17, including all Persons with Disabilities and those above the age of 60 years.
“We started this about two years ago and now that the government has introduced the mobile renewal of the NHIS, we will introduce kiosks across the constituency similar to the lotto kiosk where a person can go there and have his/her NHIS card renewed,” he said.
He commended the group of their gesture, saying that such interventions were needed in the communities to promote good and quality healthcare.
The Nutrition Technical Officer of the La Dadekotopon Health Directorate, Ms Agatha Afi Klevor, in a brief remark, urged the community members to take in more fruits and vegetables regularly to help them stay healthy.