BRT piloting to resume Wednesday
The piloting of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system in some parts of Accra will resume on Wednesday. This follows the management’s decision to take the buses off the roads a day after the piloting began.
Nine of the BRT busses were part of the first day of a scheduled five-day test-run on Monday but commuters were disappointed when the buses were not available at their designated stations on the second-day.
The suspension, according to operators of the BRT System was as a result of concerns raised by the public over insurance and technical issues that are supposed to make the running of the buses efficient.
Mr Roland Bruce, the Marketing and Communications Manager of the Greater Accra Passenger Transport Executive (GAPTE) who explained the suspension to Graphic Online in an interview said the process was halted because passengers complained about their inability to communicate with the bus conductors as well as registration of the buses by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA).
"We have not started the commercial operation of the Ayalolo buses; this is a test-run to make sure that the functionality with the drivers is all in place. We are making sure that we get feedback from commuters to ensure that we have everything in place," Mr Bruce said.
"We wanted to do it from Monday to Friday but then we realised that with all the feedback from the drivers and commuters regarding communication on screens, we realised that we need to make sure that we enhance communication via our infotainment panels in the buses.
"We are now taking our drivers, most of whom are formally educated through training a programme about this so we can continue the operation of our five-day test-run tomorrow".
Mr Bruce also noted that all the 38 buses that were to be used for the Amasaman-Tudu route have been fully-insured and the registration will be completed Tuesday.
"Our buses are fully insured, we have been working hand-in-hand with the registration and insurance people. We are deploying 38 buses for Amasaman-Tudu corridor. These 38 buses have been fully insured and in the process of registration which will end today.
"Yesterday, we deployed only nine buses… yes, we should have seen those number plates on them but then we are telling you frankly that they were fully-insured and the registration some had DV plates and some didn't have. That's the main reason why we decided that although the training of drivers was a major factor we decide that we have to fix this before we continue the remaining four days of the test".
Mr Bruce also added that, the wi-fi functionality of the buses will not be available during the test-run period because the managers are still in negotiations with several companies who have expressed an interest in providing the service.