Airport Rotary Club, others deworm Chorkor children
The Airport Rotary Club of Ghana, in collaboration with the Mamprobi Polyclinic and Enterprise Insurance Limited, has dewormed over 1,000 children at Chorkor in Accra.
The beneficiaries of the exercise, which took place at Chorkor Obeweku last Saturday, were drawn from Chorkor.
They were dewormed with Albendazole/Helmazole.
The deworming programme, a biennial event by the Rotary Club since 2001, was in response to the problem of worm infestation in the area where children often play in the sand.
Ms Dinah Ackom, the Senior Public Health Nursing Officer at the Mamprobi Polyclinic, who was in charge of the exercise, told the Daily Graphic that the exercise was undertaken because of the increasing rate of worm infestations in the Chorkor community.
She also indicated that some parents in the area could not afford the cost of deworming drugs for their children, hence the exercise to help save the children from contracting worm-related diseases.
She said the fact that many parents turned up with their children for the deworming exercise indicated that they knew the importance of deworming and appreciated the support.
A past President of the Airport Rotary Club, Mr Daniel Gyimah, said the project was part of the community service Rotary Club Ghana wanted to offer to Ghanaians.
He promised that the Airport Rotary Club would continue to provide humanitarian services for deprived communities across the country.