Teachers undergo training in SHS education improvement programme
The Centre for National Distance Learning and Open Schooling (CENDLOS), the implementing and coordinating agency for Technology-Mediated Learning and ICT development under the Ministry of Education has organised a training programme for over 300 teachers with various backgrounds as part of the secondary education improvement programme (SEIP).
The training focused on the effective use of iBox and iCampus Virtual Learning platforms which have been developed and deployed by CENDLOS in the national quest to reimagine education through ICT solutions.
While the iBox is an offline learning platform which does not require the use of internet data to access educational content, the iCampus is internet data-driven. The icampus currently has over two million subscribers with three hundred and fifty thousand active users.
Speaking during the training session, the Executive Director of CENDLOS, Nana Gyamfi Adwabour explained the rationale behind the two Virtual Learning interventions which is to compliment teaching and learning at all levels, with a current focus on SHS.
He said the government was poised to leverage on current ICT solutions in a quest to deliver quality education to every Ghanaian irrespective of location.
He said over 150 Senior High Schools have already benefited from the ibox, with an additional 85 being installed and a projected 100 more by the end of the second quarter of 2022.
Participants commended the Ministry of Education and CENDLOS for the innovation and training.
They also gave inputs on how best the E-Learning platforms could be further improved to provide the needed equity for all students around the country.
The content on the iBox and iCampus platforms comprises lesson notes, lesson video and interactive quizzes on seven elective subjects and four core subjects.