Odorgonno SHS gets new board of governors
A new board of governors for the Odorgonno Senior High School in the Ga South District in the Greater Accra Region has been inaugurated.
The institution has a student population of over 1,900 students, about 100 graduate teachers and 50 non-teaching staff members.
The school administration is assisted by committees, comprising teachers, who help take important decisions.
The new board of governors will have the duty of guiding the school to achieve its mission and purpose and support the school’s administration in the performance of its duties. It will also ensure effective organisational planning for the institution and see to it that it receives adequate resources for effective work in the school.
In an acceptance speech, the new Board Chairperson, Mrs Afua Asieduaa Addo-Yobo, expressed the board’s gratitude for the confidence reposed in them. She said hard work was going to be their guiding principle, and promised to immediately put in place committees that would oversee the further development of the school.
The Headmistress, Madam Georgina Attopley, expressed the hope that the new board would continue with development projects started by the old board.
The Greater Accra Regional Director of Education, Mrs Elizabeth De-Souza, thanked the old board for their dedicated and selfless services.
She further commended the staff and students of the school for their discipline which had enabled the school to progress steadily.