NVTI trains instructors
Instructors of the National Vocational Training Institute (NVTI) have been charged to be professional and disciplined in the discharge of their duties.
The Director of the NVTI, Mr Bismark Stephen Amponsah, who gave the advice, said the trainee’s attitude was a necessary factor and essential component of vocational training.
He said this at the closing session of a training programme for 19 instructors of the NVTI from the southern sector of the country.
In all, 120 instructors have benefited from the training as similar sessions were held in Kumasi for the northern sector.
The training was aimed at sharpening the skills of instructors so that their delivery would be enhanced.
Mr Amponsah said the training was vital in view of the changes taking place across the globe, adding that instructors needed to be given refresher training to be abreast of the trends of new developments.
He said although there were many instructors, the excellent ones were few, hence the need to enhance the knowledge of all of them.
With the training the instructors received, he said, they should not go to the classrooms unprepared.
Training useful
The Programme Co-ordinator, Mr Andrews Boakye, said the training had been very useful, and expressed the hope that it would go a long way to help improve technical and vocational education training in Ghana.
He urged the participants to endeavour to share the knowledge with their colleagues who were not fortunate to attend the training so that they could also be educated and equipped to offer their best.