Girls outshine guys at Ave Maria School Speech and Prize awards
THE Ave Maria School at Dansoman in Accra held its 17th Graduation, Speech and Prize-giving Day last Saturday with girls winning most of the competitive academic awards at stake.
And but for Stage 3 where the boys made a clean sweep of the three awards at stake, girls dominated all the awards from Stage 1 to JHS 3, winning 26 of the 41 prizes.
At the height of it all though, 15-year-old Master Benjamin Nketsiah Quansah emerged the overall best student in JHS 3, to put in some redemption for the guys, and even here, the teachers said the girls almost nipped it after a rather keen race.
“We had to resort to their Mock 1, Mock 2, Mock 3 and the Super Mock to arrive at the ultimate winner as the competition was very keen”, averred Mr. Ransford Magnusen, otherwise called Sir Rans.
Benjamin (best in ICT, Science and Pre-Technical Skills), had contended with Josephine Akuamoah (best in English, Maths, and Twi) and Mimi Kumwa-Akyenba (best in RME, French and Home Economics) for the overall best student award.
Reading: An enhancement to holistic life
The headmistress of the school, Mrs Florence Agordjor told the gathering that 84 students were presented for the 2017 Basic Education Certificate Examination, all of whom were present to write the papers.
She said the students’ academic performance at the BECE had been very good over the years and expects this year’s to follow suit. She however, urged parents to encourage their wards to read useful books instead of spending precious time watching soap-operas.
In line with the theme for the occasion, “Reading: An Enhancement to Holistic Life”, Mrs Agordjor said reading can help bring unlimited levels of success to one’s academic performance and life in general.
“Help them with their homework and encourage them to read more useful books for vocabulary”, she said, adding that “What you will be in future depends on what you read now.”
No child should be left behind
The School Administrator, Mr. Frank Plange, urged parents to fulfil their obligations towards the education of their wards, saying there is no excuse why any child should be left behind since it is the most appropriate way to help them better integrate into the society.
He also called on parents to ensure their wards have breakfast ahead of each day’s activities. Parents should also leave short notices on wards’ health concerns in their bag packs for the attention of teachers.
Mr. Plange reminded teachers that their roles have come to include social issues beyond the classrooms, and so they should make adjustments to ensure that their actions contribute towards the welfare and total wellbeing of students in their care.
The occasion saw students and pupils perform various cultural, musical and dance performances as well as cadet drills to the delight of parents.