District Education Observer Project launched at Yilo Krobo
RITE 90.1FM, a local radio station at Somanya in the Yilo Krobo Municipality, in partnership with Socio-Serve–Ghana, an Akosombo–based non-governmental organisation (NGO), professionals in social and community development with the specific aim of enhancing quality basic education with emphasis on teacher attendance in the Yilo Krobo Municipality, has launched an educational project dubbed “District Education Observer Project (DEOP II).”
The project is being sponsored by STAR-Ghana with support from the European Union, the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), and United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and UKaid as donors, in partnership with Chrismek Foundation, a Somanya-based NGO.
Main objective
The project is aimed at promoting effective teaching and learning in rural basic schools in the Yilo Krobo Municipality through the use of the Community Score Card (CSC) methodology.
It will also enhance capacities of school management committees (SMCs), parent-teacher associations (PTAs), community members and parents in the management of schools within their communities.
The Chief Executive Officer of Rite FM, Mr Jonie Addo-Fening, said DEOP II was expected to increase public discourse on important education service delivery issues for parents, teachers, education and government officials, as well as civil society. It will also improve school performance and improve teacher attendance.
The project is expected to make local government and government officials receptive to demands from the general communities in the project district and provide quality service, including good infrastructure, especially in the 10 selected low–performing and deprived basic schools in the Yilo Krobo Municipality.
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Project schools
Ten schools were selected for the project in DEOP I. They are the Ahinkwa, Samlesi, Akorwubana, Wurapong, Aboa-Osiborninya, Aboabesease, Brukum Agavenya, Sutawa, Akpamu and Akorley basic schools.
According to the Project Coordinator, Mr Goldman Awuku Dodzi, most of the 10 selected schools were scoring zero per cent before the project began but added that most of them had improved tremendously.
Launching the project to begin the academic year, the Yilo Krobo Municipal Director of Education, Mr Augustine Adusei, lauded Rite FM as a partner in quality education delivery in the municipality.
He said the partnership was a win-win affair since the listening public was interested in what concerned them and educational issues in the municipality.
Mr Adusei noted that as part of the USAID Partnership for Education: Learning programme, SMCs in all public schools that had kindergarten and primary were trained to share the knowledge they had acquired with parents during PTA meetings.
He added that the directorate aimed at a situation where all candidates who sat for the BECE in the municipality would not only qualify to enter the senior high schools, but also obtain strong grades that would earn them placement in the schools of their choices.
The representative of the Eastern Regional Director of Education, Mr Emmanuel Asiedu Acheampong, praised Rite FM for its effective partnership which had started yielding results.