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11 women reveal their erotic hotspots
What’s your sexual sweet spot?
Is it the side of the neck, the skin around the nipples, or someone’s fingers tickling your inner thighs? Whatever drives you wild, we’re guessing there’s one sensitive place that gets you off.
But if you haven’t had that orgasm chat with your partner, they might not know which erogenous zones to go for.
It’s time to talk about sex and demand that your magical areas of arousal get touched. Here, 11 sexually empowered women start the foreplay by sharing places and moves that work every time.
Olivia, 31
If my boyfriend spends a lot of time playing with my nipples before he heads downstairs and into my knickers, it’s a guaranteed way to make me come.
There has to be a slow build-up though, starting with gentle blowing and teasing, progressing to long, firm licks, flicks and rolls of the tongue – I love it when he takes my whole nipple area in his mouth and sucks really hard while I hold his head.
Doing this sends electric-like pulses through my body and ends with me begging him to touch me elsewhere.
Anika, 26
When I’m in the mood for playful sex, I LOVE a hard, stinging spank on my bum.
There’s something about the skin on my bum that’s extra sensitive.
It hurts, but it also unleashes some kind of erotic chemical in me.
If someone really wants to turn me on, that’s the place to play.
Sophie, 24
There’s something about my collar bone that wakes up my whole body.
If a guy traces his tongue from the dent behind it up to my neck, it gets me horny in about three seconds flat.
Sasha, 29
I have a little spot of amazement tucked away inside me, but it needs a certain tactic to awaken it.
When someone is giving me head they have to use the flat part of their tongue in a rhythmic manner whilst placing two fingers deep inside me and pressing upwards. That where it’s at.
All this fast, juvenile fingering, when someone whips their digits in and out, does nothing but turn me off.
That deep pressure – the sensation of someone massaging my G spot – whilst licking my clitoris sends me crazy.
Very few people I have slept with have mastered this trick.
Mischa, 32
Tickle my inner thighs for ten minutes with your fingers, then when you finally get to my vagina you won’t even need to work for it.
Rosie, 35
The lips – playfully touching one another’s, pressing them lightly on top of each other, nibbling them softly, rubbing them slowly together whilst you’re talking, using a thumb to stroke them – I think it’s a really sensual way to kickstart sex.
Kelly, 24
I know it sounds teenage but I love nothing more than a dirty dry hump. The best is when you can feel the heat of each other’s groins.
I get a real rush from the slow grind that builds up in pace and get extra turned on when the friction and the fabric gets really warm.
I swear I could come from dry humping (sex secret: I have).
Alara, 30
I’m not one for anal sex, but I do love a finger or small object slipped inside my butt just as I’m on the verge.
I think the fullness of something inside my vagina, plus the pressure of something up my arse, fires all the signals for an explosive orgasm.
I just need to find someone who’s willing to stick a finger up my bum for fun!
Kate, 31
I love my neck, nipples, ears and tummy being stroked and kissed – as long as I’m not bloated otherwise that’s a no-go zone.
Charlotte, 26
My most erotic area is my mouth.
A dominant person with a playful tongue can set me off a hell of a lot quicker than if someone just shoots their hand down into my knickers.
When someone takes time over a slow, deep snog, it sends me into overdrive and spikes all my nerve endings.
If I meet a good kisser, I know they will definitely be able to make me orgasm – it’s in the chemistry.
Megan, 38
My sweet spot? The sides of my body, from my boobs to my waist.
When someone softly runs both hands down from my armpits to the tops of my hips, I’m gone.
Even better if they finish with a good grab of the flesh on my lower back as they pull me on top…