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Eleven reasons photographers are great partners
Photographers have a unique way of looking at the world. This perspective can make them one of the most interesting types of people to have a long-term relationship with. Although they will spend a lot of time with their camera, they are also likely to make you the focus of some of their favorite pieces of art.
If you have a photographer in your life, you are probably already aware of the many things that make them great. However, it is still a good idea to review these points so that you can realize again just how lucky you are to have one of these artistic individuals in your life.
1. They Are Creative
A photographer has to be creative in order to thrive in their chosen field. Their level of creativity typically extends beyond their photographs. For example, photographers are more likely to come up with creative ideas for keeping the romance alive in your relationship. They are also able to take a creative approach to everything from problem solving to furniture placement.
2. They Pay Attention to Minor Details
Have you ever dated someone who never noticed when you changed your hairstyle or rearranged your living room? Fortunately, a photographer will never fail to notice minor details because they spend a lot of their time closely analyzing everything in order to produce the best possible photographs. This makes them an especially suitable partner for people who thrive on having minor changes noticed and celebrated.
3. They Are Dedicated
Being a photographer might seem glamorous from the outside, but the reality is that it is a very tough profession to break into. As of 2012, there were only 136,300 photography jobs in the U.S., so most people only use their camera as a hobby. If your partner is dedicated enough to their craft that they make even part of their income from photography, you can rest assured that they have the ability to put this same level of dedication into your relationship.
4. They Will Make You Look Your Best
A truly skilled photographer can find the best light and angle for anyone. This can help you view yourself in a different way. Experts have estimated that up to 85 percent of people have low self-esteem. A U.K. study found that younger women are reporting an increasingly larger amount of dissatisfaction with their personal appearance. Having a photographer partner who takes stunning pictures of you is definitely a good way to boost your confidence and self-esteem.
5. They Document Everything
Most people have found themselves upset that they failed to photograph a major life moment. This is not something that you will ever need to worry about again if your partner is a photographer. These individuals will always be thinking about the importance of capturing everything on film. They are also more likely than the average person to actually print and frame their photographic mementos of some of the best moments of your life. Being surrounded by these memories can help keep your spirits up, serving as a constant reminder of your partner’s thoughtfulness.
6. They Are Grateful
A good photographer knows that their best images are made up of three parts: inspiration, skill, and luck. Any photographer who has ever happened upon a perfectly lit scene knows what it is like to feel grateful. This gratitude toward life’s little moments is also likely to spill over into your relationship. After all, they will have the innate ability to recognize that every other aspect of their life is also built on a mixture of skill, inspiration, and luck.
7. They Have a Good Sense of Humor
It is practically impossible to survive as a photographer without possessing the ability to laugh at oneself. Even the most skilled photographer in the world will end up deleting more images than they keep. The only way to get through this process without becoming heartbroken or hurting themselves through too much internal criticism is by laughing off each perceived mistake and missed opportunity. This tendency to look for the humorous side of things makes photographers more able to joke about other things that go wrong in their life. This is definitely a desirable quality in a partner.
8. They Are Constantly Learning
No one can ever claim to know every single thing about the art of photography. Due to this, those who are truly committed to their love of the camera will constantly be seeking out new information. This could come in the format of reading new books, taking classes, or simply experimenting on a regular basis and keeping a log of their results. This love of learning about photography often extends into many other areas. Having a partner who always desires new information will keep your relationship interesting. As an added bonus, your partner is likely to be just as open to learning new emotional, sexual, and conversation skills that can enhance your relationship.
9. They Are Sensitive to the Needs of Others
If your partner works with models, then they have to understand how to make others feel comfortable in awkward situations. A prime example is anyone who offers boudoir photography. This photo style has recently become very popular among brides-to-be, so it is necessary for photographers to put each of their clients at ease by tuning into their verbal and non-verbal cues. This same sensitivity will help you because your partner will be more in tune with your emotions and they will also be able to better handle sensitive situations.
10. They Can Find the Beauty in Everything
Photographers know that every subject has beauty, whether it is a colorful flowerbed or a dilapidated old building. This means that they have honed their ability to find beauty in even the most mundane aspects of life. This quality will make every single day more enjoyable. Your photographer partner will point out things to you that you never would have noticed otherwise, and they will still see your radiance even on your worst days. With a photographer by your side, it will become more difficult to miss the beauty that is all around you and within yourself.
11. They are More Attractive
Professor Scott Barry Kaufman conducted a revealing study on University of Pennsylvania students which ties into the irresistible nature of photographers. After the study concluded Kaufman discovered that photographers were viewed as exceptionally attractive based on their creative profession. What made the students decide this? Well, a number of factors convinced them that professional photographers were good-looking – including the ten characteristics previously mentioned. Students in the study cited that shutterbugs had other dreamy characteristics like their nomadic lifestyles and willingness to meet new people.
Anyone whose partner is a photographer can easily attest to the fact that they make life less boring. Every experience can become an adventure when photographers have their camera by their side. They will also help non-photographers understand the transformative power of looking at anything through the lens. With all of these skills and natural traits, it is no surprise that so many people believe that photographers are their perfect mate.