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Reflections on Father’s Day
In an act of bravery, her father, a war veteran, raised her and five other siblings single-handedly on a farm in Washington in the USA.
In 1909, grown and married, Sonora reflected on the heroic role her father played in her life and organised a holiday to honour all fathers.
Today, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June in many countries.
Father’s Day is, therefore, a day to honour fathers, celebrate fatherhood, parental bonds and the influence of fathers in society.
Fatherhood is not about biology.
It is about any man as a grandfather, uncle, cousin, big brother, boss, guardian, benefactor or spiritual head who acts as a father figure in your life.
Also, appreciate that without mothers and children, there can be no fathers.
Father’s Day is, therefore, a celebration for all - fathers, mothers and children.
It is, therefore, a good time for reflection and resolution for us all.
Reflections by children
Look back at how you have related to your father and resolve to obey him.
You must also honour the first commandment of God with a promise.
It will go well with you and you will enjoy long life.
It is said that fathers know best but they are human.
No matter how your father has treated you, see it as your maker’s way to make you stronger and wiser.
You must, therefore, forgive your father unconditionally.
Honour your father this day because he is the reason for your life.
Find ways to pamper him.
Send a card, share a meal or send thoughtful gifts, especially something you know he loves but not likely to buy himself.
The best gift is to be present and spend the day with him.
Talk of the past and recall happy memories.
Show gratitude by doing something nice in return for all your father has done.
If your father is not alive, you may honour him by making a donation to his favourite charity, church or community.
Reflections by fathers
As you celebrate the day, make a sober reflection and resolution of your role as the father and ordained head of the family.
Be enthusiastic about it as a leader and mould your children through exemplary character, teaching, consulting and support.
Be a servant-leader by the sacrifices you make for the holistic development of your children.
Provide security: Make it safe for your children to share their thoughts and assure them of your support.
You also have to work hard to give your children basic needs - shelter, food, clothing and medical care - but never be too busy for your children.
It is important you leave a legacy. It may be material-related.
You need a good attitude to be a good father.
Your unconditional love is your children’s greatest need.
Let them know that you love them even when they show bad behaviours. Treat them equally.
Make time for your children: The more involved you are with your children, the greater your chance of moulding your children’s intellectual and social development.
If you leave your children, chase wealth and leave your children maladjusted to life, whatever you acquire wouldn’t count.
You, therefore, have to work like a team with your wife because fathers play a unique and crucial role of nurturing children.
Be a good husband: You must also remember you can’t be a good father unless you are a good husband because your daily interactions with your wife are the most powerful agents in the development of your children.
Studies show if you remain a good husband, your sons are more likely to be good husbands and fathers.
What fathers must know
Fatherhood is a gift from our maker but you are responsible for your children who are in temporary trust of you.
You are a steward. Give them all your care and support.
Society will measure you by how your children grow up to be.
Your children will appreciate your sacrifices and turn back to help you when you are old.
Pope John Paul refers to the family as a sanctuary of love and hope.
As a father, you are the cornerstone of the family, which is the basic unit of the society.
This means a father is the most important determinant of the health of a society.
With trust in God, commitment, honesty, affection, communication, hard work and forgiving spirit, you can make fatherhood a happy and lifelong experience.
Save your children. Save the society. Save the future. Happy Father’s Day! 0208191961