ways to avoid the spread of airborne diseases
The term "Airborne disease" refers to any disease that is caused by pathogens and transmitted through the air.
The virus could be spread through coughing, sneezing, raising of dust, spraying of liquids, an so forth.
Airborne pathogens or allergens often cause inflammation in the nose, throat, sinuses and the lungs. affecting the respiratory system. such disease are linked to asthma and other related diseases.
Studies have revealed that pollutants influence the lung functionality and increase the air way inflammation, its also stated that tobacco smoking increases the risk of attracting the disease.
Experts says the disease can be contracted through exposure to an infected person or animals. some people also gets the disease through a portal of entry; mouth, nose, cuts or needle puncture.
The experts also suggests that, the prevention of Airborne diseases is best done through hand washing, using appropriate hand disinfection, getting regu