Kwame Nkrumah Avenue traffic lights must be fixed
I am writing to draw your attention to a malfunctioning traffic lights on the Kwame Nkrumah Avenue, Adabraka, which has been inoperative for the past four months.
This issue endangers the lives of road users. As a shop owner in the area, I have witnessed at least 20 head-on collisions during this period. Fortunately, no fatalities have been recorded.
The intersection, located at the second traffic light after Vienna City, is a busy area for commuters including schoolchildren. The malfunctioning traffic lights are causing significant congestion and delays, resulting in economic losses. Damage to property and vehicles leads to financial losses for individuals and businesses alike.
I urge the authorities to repair and modernise the traffic light system at this intersection and conduct regular maintenance checks to prevent future malfunctions, and hold accountable the institutions responsible for the maintenance and repair of traffic lights.
Additionally, authorities should ensure that individuals who cause damage to public road infrastructure face the full rigour of the law.
Black Shanti, Adabraka.