Health benefits of egg
EGGS are a source of pantothenic acid, phosphorus, vitamin A and folate. In addition, eggs are 'high in' protein and are one of the few foods that should be classified as “superfoods.”
They are loaded with nutrients, some of which are rare in diet, highly satiating and may reduce calorie intake later in the day.
Here are some benefits of adding eggs to your meal:
Highly nutritious
Whole eggs are nutritionally rich, supplying almost every nutrient needed. They have one of the lowest energy-to-nutrient density ratios of any food and are useful sources of some of the harder-to-get nutrients such as Vitamins D and B12 as well as the mineral iodine.
Source of Protein
Being a "complete protein" means eggs contain all nine of the essential amino acids needed for growth, development and repair. This is important because the body cannot make these amino acids and must obtain them from diet.
In addition to this, egg protein is recognised as being highly digestible and contains a quality of protein that is superior to beef steak and similar to dairy.
Source of choline
Eggs are one of the best dietary sources of choline. This little talked-about nutrient is needed by all of us for the formation of cell membranes and brain function, including memory.
Heart health
Eggs are rich in several nutrients that promote heart health, including betaine and choline. A study of nearly half a million people in China suggested that eating one egg a day may reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, although experts stress that eggs need to be consumed as part of a healthy lifestyle to make it beneficial.
Eye Health
As we age, it is normal for our vision to start to deteriorate but there are some useful nutrients obtained from a balanced diet which may help protect and support eye health.
Eggs are one example: The yolk contains large amounts of carotenes – of particular note are lutein and zeaxanthin – which are important for preventing macular degeneration and cataracts. Eggs are also a source of Vitamin A which is important for good vision.