‘Don’t follow me; I am lost too’
The heat is turned on hotter close to Valentine’s Day. It is a season of love. Passion is in the air. The adverts and the lyric of the love songs tell it as it is. A Sexy Valentine’s day looms!
Many people get worked up with what to do to make their love memorable on this special day in February. Others also frantically now search for the “one to love.” For others, it tends to be a nursing of the wounds from the previous heartbreak. And these happen every year!
Since I am a lover of great inscriptions, especially on people’s clothes and on vehicles, I spared no moment when I saw an inscription on the back of a hooded jeans dress. This dress was worn by an adolescent. She was walking a distance ahead of me. As soon as my eyes caught the writing, I could not help but to walk faster in order to be in close-up picture taking range. Like a sniper in position, with a microscopic viewfinder on his silenced gun, I gave it a shot. The inscription I captured was: ‘Don’t follow me, I am lost too.’
And this had a rose flower in between the first and the last of the sentences.
What an honest statement! Don’t follow me, I’m lost too.
There are several people who don’t really know what they want in life and in love. Simply put, they are lost, but they do not know or admit it!
Why follow a lost person! Self-awareness is very important in life and relationship.
How do you know yourself? Are you sure you know yourself so well to entrust yourself to another human being?
There are many ways to discover oneself. Why not start by speaking with a professional? A licensed Counselling Psychologist and other professionals with expertise in understanding human behaviour can guide you to discover yourself, love yourself and make yourself more lovable.
Valentine’s day should not be a day for searching for sensual love; it should be a day of deepening love. One should find him or herself first. When one is full of love and one knows where one is heading in love, one will attract people of like nature.
“Follow me for I know who I am and where I am going; let us build a life together” should be the mantra this valentine.
Happy valentine to all.
The writer is a Consultant Counselling Psychologist/Clinical Counsellor & Lecturer.