When you cast your eyes around our busy streets, you would see a lot of imported (second-hand) cars, most of whom have been brought in from the US and Canada. Most of these cars are equipped differently from other cars that are earmarked specifically for our tropical market.
Clutter cannot be solved by pretending the problem isn’t there, or by getting ourselves less involved in the solution. The best way to solve a problem of clutter is to get into the midst of it or at least getting closely involved, after all it happened either by your making or something just went wrong and got beyond your control.
Taking care of work, chores and kids would become impossible if we struggled with health conditions all of the time. One of the most common excuses people cite for not being in good shape relates to not having the time or the energy to do what it takes to be healthy. This is particularly true of working professionals.
The 30th edition of the Pappoe Thompson Choral Festival has been held at the Centre for National Culture (CNC) in Accra. The festival honours the memory of the late Emmanuel Pappoe Thompson, an illustrious Ghanaian Ga composer and educationist, who contributed a lot to the development and promotion of patriotic choral music in this country.
The pictures of 21-year-old beautiful and curvy single mother, Ashley Fisher, has gone viral on the social media because of how she is able to move around with just one hand.
Going through her Instagram handle, one can easily tell that despite being physically challenged, Fisher is not shy to flaunt her curves or feeling depressed about meeting up with people either at her daughter’s school or place of work.
Social media sites like Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest are causing more people to feel alone, according to US psychologists.
A report suggests that more than two hours of social media use a day doubled the chances of a person experiencing social isolation.
Getting rid of clutter is not just about deciding on one critical morning that you are declaring war on all unwanted stuff. Unfortunately, it is also not about doing what we usually refer to as “general cleaning”.
1. Work a service industry job.
You'll grit your teeth when customers make ridiculous demands, show up ten minutes before closing, or ruin a display you carefully put together, but work builds character and working a service job means you'll never be the kind of awful customer who makes employees cringe.
Cluttering can be overwhelming and very stressful. And the earlier something is done about it the better. No one really plans to clutter. Even the non-meticulous ones do not intentionally clutter. So then why do we get in such a situation?
Some people possess wardrobes that look like a mini earthquake erupted in there. Lack of time to organise, sort and arrange can leave the wardrobe in such a state for a long time. It’s obvious then that the best we could do will be to arrange and organise it from time to time. Here are some pointers.
Plantains belong to the same family as bananas but they have to be cooked to be eaten. Plantains are delicious and can be found in many places in the world. Plantains are starchy and rather bland, with a low sugar content.
Life’s circumstances have little to do with happiness because much happiness is under your control, which is the product of your habits and your outlook on life.
Success is not about the things that other people have given you -- things like fancy job titles, company cars, big salaries, massive expense budgets and corner offices.
More degrees don't make you more successful. A better zip code doesn't make you more successful.
Subconsciously we all know that overworking ourselves can do harm to us in both our personal and professional lives. Yet, for some reason, we continue to work ourselves to death.
It may be tough to walk away even if it is just for a day or two but it will definitely be in your best interest in the long-run.
“Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.” - Jack Kornfield
The rain has stopped. The sun peers through the clouds, if only for an hour or so. I lift my head slightly from the bed where I’ve been resting ever since a strong Lebanese flu hit me hard.
Have you ever felt a little mbuki-mvuki – the irresistible urge to “shuck off your clothes as you dance”? Perhaps a little kilig – the jittery fluttering feeling as you talk to someone you fancy? How about uitwaaien – which encapsulates the revitalising effects of taking a walk in the wind?
These words – taken from Bantu, Tagalog, and Dutch – have no direct English equivalent, but they represent very precise emotional experiences that are neglected in our language. And if Tim Lomas at the University of East London has his way, they might soon become much more familiar.
Should we be showering every day – or should we just learn to enjoy the rich array of pongs which cling to our armpits and hairy groins?
Lost reality. Weak mind. Weak willpower. What is next? You cannot positively influence your life when you are not emotionally strong. Strength comes from within. Regardless of who your parents are and how much your husband earns, you cannot be a strong woman until you learn how to manage your emotions.
This is the deal with January: it arrives and you have something of an existential crisis. The first month of the year turns up the volume on that self-critical voice in your head – sounds dreary, but sometimes it's exactly what you need to kickstart an ambitious new year.
People living near busy roads have a higher chance of developing dementia, according to researchers in Canada.
Fans of the music maestro, Kojo Antwi, will have the chance to see him again in one of his 24th December concerts, this time at the Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City in Accra.