Just what on earth is dress code? (2)
Bright multicoloured shirts and ties is a definite No! Choice of tie needs to blend with the colour of the business suit.
Neither tattered belt nor dusty shoes is allowed.
Jewelry apart from your wrist watch and wedding ring is unnecessary.
Long trouser length should be avoided and so should shiny suits.
A conservatively coloured business suit is a must for this dress code. There is a wide variety of styles to choose from - be it a pencil skirt suit, a line skirt suit, trouser suit and so much more.
One key factor useful in this area is in identifying your body shape. This will inform your choice of business suit.
Colours would include black, grey, charcoal grey, blue black. The variety of suiting materials creates a vast pool to choose from.
A dress shirt, blouse or camisole can be combined with the suit to add a touch of colour. However, this may not always be the case as some business suits button up fully.
White shirt or blue shirt is recommended for those in the business environment. Bright colours such as red and orange have a tendency to distract and therefore not recommended for a formal dress code.
A black, brown or any dark conservative pair of shoes goes with this particular dress code.
Avoid very low cut business suits, tubes and low cut blouses which expose the breasts.
Also to be avoided are tight skirts and trousers. You don’t want to create that nonchalant impression in a business environment.
Ladies should wear knee length and below skirts. Skirts should not be above the knee.
Accessories and jewelry should be kept simple and subtle.
Next week we will take a look at the business casual dress code.