Two lines boys use to ‘ron’ girls
All young people are likely to meet others their age that they admire and love would be their friends.
This is not unusual but when boys begin to pester girls with love and tweets on social media, you would have to take all that with a pinch of salt. a lot of boys will move heaven and earth to get a girl into bed.
They often tell girls so many things they don’t mean. Here are some of the ways boys often adopt to lure girls to sex.
1. The Flattery Approach:
“Wow, you have such a gorgeous body. I can hardly control myself!” or “You are so beautiful!” or “You have such beautiful eyes!” The guys who use this line say they use it because they can think of little else to say.
In other words, ther is so little attraction between the two of you that he has to flatter you about your physical appearance in order to get what he wants. Of course, it makes the girl happy because she is told what she wants to hear.
2. The “True Love” Approach:
A study revealed that the line used most by boys is: “If you love me, you’ll let me”.
Guys have used this one since the beginning of time.
But if he gets what he wants, what proof will you have that he loves you when it is all over?
He used you to satisfy his own lustful needs.
Usually, the guy who uses this line is a slow but steady operator who tends to hang in there till he gets what he wants.
A good response to this is, “If you love me you won’t ask at this time when we can’t provide for ourselves”.