Talk to Auntie Betty: I think about him a lot
Dear Auntie Betty, I am in junior high school Form Three. There is this boy who lives in my neighbourhood with whom I have fallen in love.
I have done everything possible for him to notice me but all to no avail.
Meanwhile, I think about him a lot. Should I tell him how I feel towards him?
Dear Abbie, As I have stated a number of times in this column, it is natural for people of the opposite sex to get attracted to each other. However, what you are feeling now may be infatuation and not love.
You may just be attracted to him or there is something about him that you love. Being in love with someone is more than physical attraction.
Also, at this age, you are not emotionally ready and mature for a boy-girl relationship and so I’d advise that you control your emotions and spend your time doing things that will occupy your mind, instead of focusing on this boy who has not even noticed you.
There are many consequences for engaging in boy-girl relationships at this stage of your life — you may get pregnant, contract a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or perform poorly in school because all your attention will be on this boy, not getting enough time for your books.
You will soon be writing your final examination and you have to put all your energies into studying hard in order to pass with flying colours.
You are young, and as you grow, you will meet a lot of people and the right time will come for you to be in a serious relationship. For now, focus on your studies and enjoy your childhood.