Countdown begins...Privilege of service
The greatness of a man is measured by the way he treats the little man. Compassion for the weak is a sign of greatness.
—Myles Munroe.
It is imperative that those who manage human resources, should as much as possible, encourage and enable their staff to offer their best and educate themselves as far as they are willing and ready. More important, all workers must be treated with utmost goodwill and respect, until they prove unreliable and not trustworthy.
No impediments or encumbrances must be placed in the way of workers who want to academically improve themselves. Indeed, in the area of Journalism, I hold the view that no subject matter is irrelevant. I have thus had some difficulties with some of my colleagues in the course of my working life.
There have been times also when corporate policy has been a hindrance and in the process of implementation, some have been denied privileges that they had concluded dysfunctionally that I have been a stumbling block.
As I prepare to retire next month, I seek forgiveness from workers who appear offended by my lack of support because of strict enforcement of corporate policy, and as Lance Morrow has argued, “He that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass if he would reach heaven; for everyone has need to be forgiven”.
I am of the firm conviction that for as long as I am occupying the leadership position, none of my subordinates, no matter the level of academic qualification they obtain, will put me at a disadvantage. What I see is opportunity and most often in discussions, I point out to them that left to me, all the journalists under me must have higher educational qualification.
Indeed, I tell them that when they are better educated, their output would be better and the workload on me will be lower while I bask in the glory that their excellence produces. It means that as the head of department, I benefit more from quality work force so I must be happy when my staff take steps to upgrade their knowledge.
It is on this basis that I am gratified by comments that a number of staff have shared about me since I announced my retirement in August. I am most grateful for the comments and want to share with the world. As Dr Martin Luther King has noted, every one of us wants to be praised. The only time that we scorn praise is when it goes to the other person. Otherwise, even when we know we do not deserve to be praised, we crave for praise.
I invite readers to join me in reading comments by my subordinates.
Donald Ato Dapatem: As for Wofa Yaw, some of us must and will celebrate him proper very soon. The Almighty God, who knows our heart, will continue to protect and bless him.
Mabel Aku Baneseh: Donald, do you recall how he saved us and others when a former manager called for our heads about 15 years ago?
George Folley: Wofa is the greatest personality I have ever come across in life. A kind-hearted man who made sure his subordinates were treated fairly, particularly his reporters. We need to celebrate him before he retires I still owe him a hand woven smock oooo.
Gabriel Ahiabor: Wofa saved me from being dismissed from Graphic six years ago and still continues to fight for me that I should be transferred to the newsroom after obtaining M.A. in Journalism, but now that my saviour is going, I do not know what will happen as no one seems to recognise my good work, Hmmm.
Emmanuel Quaye: True, Wofa is a good man but my brother Gabby if you do not love the photo unit anymore, please write to HR for departmental transfer. Cheers.
Daniel Kenu: When you know your stuff, you do not fear competition from your subordinates; that is how Wofa is. He knows his job and is better educated and therefore is not threatened if anyone wants to improve himself academically. Leaders must learn to encourage those they lead and help them become better people. Wofa is the man of our time. How sad he is leaving. I wish him well.
Seth Bokpe: There is a certain principle in life, what you make happen to others, God replicates for you. Every act of goodwill and every seed we sow in the lives of others, God replicates for us. So is the opposite too.
These comments have really touched my heart and made a difference. I can thus only express my gratitude for their kind words and as John F. Kennedy has noted, “We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives”.