True disciples of Jesus own him as lord
Christians, who are true disciples of Jesus, have both a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour, and own Him as Lord.
The Gospel of Matthew 4:19-20 presents us with one of the New Testament’s clear descriptions of who is a disciple of Jesus:
“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men”. At once they left their nets and followed him.” Matthew 4:19-20.
When we carefully look at this Bible text we discover the following three key characteristics of a person who is a true disciple of Jesus:
• Committed to totally follow the Lord Jesus
• Committed to being transformed by Him
• Committed to His mission
Like the disciples recorded in this text, a true disciple bears these three marks. A real disciple totally follows the master Jesus.
The Lord Jesus has supreme authority and power. True disciples acknowledge Him as their Master and Lord and submit to His rule in their lives. They no longer live simply for their own opinions and standards and convictions of the world, their traditions and customs.
Real disciples of Jesus will seek to live by biblical standards in every situation they are in - at home, work, church, community, thus their faith and practice is genuinely Bible centred and genuinely Ghanaian.
The witness of the Apostles in the New Testament was that Jesus is Lord. For them, they came to follow Christ and experienced for themselves radical transformation. For them, Jesus was first and last.
They must obey Him and pursue the task He gave them rather than give in to the envy of Christ, the persecutions and instructions from the Jewish leaders.
And so in practical terms, does the Lordship of Jesus Christ imply:
• That He is God the Son, pre-existent, creator, who deserves our worship
• That He is pre-eminent, supreme and almighty who deserves our total allegiance, confidence and trust. That He is sufficient for all our needs. He alone best provides all we need for abundant living and godliness.
He alone best protects us from all kinds of evil, wicked attacks and the evil competitor.
He alone makes us to be fruitful in childbearing, in business and most importantly in spiritual fruit bearing.
• That Jesus is the Redeemer and reconciler back to God. People receive salvation through Christ.
Jesus being Lord has a lot of practical implications! Do our church members give Jesus their total allegiance and look on Him as supreme and sufficient?
Or in their day-to-day practical lifestyle regarding bearing of children, progress in career and business or success in trade, politics and in personal protection they resort to help from witch doctors, fetish shrines and then later appear in church to give thanks? To which God? The God and Father of our Lord Jesus?
Others put more confidence in “Anointing Oil” and “Holy Water” obtained from prayer centres or men of God in our country and other countries. True mature disciples of Jesus rely on Him only. It is not Jesus plus “Holy Water” or some other religious help.
The Bible teaches that Jesus is supreme, has the greatest power ever; and is sufficient at every point of need.
Another good measure of church ministry success is that members grow in their total loyalty to Jesus alone and show this in every area of their lives and in the challenges they face.
Is Jesus Lord over your time, talents and treasure? The goal is always to please Jesus.
Here are three test questions:
• Where I am about to go can Jesus accompany me there?
• What I am about to do can Jesus say to me congratulations when I have done it?
• Would others glorify God because of my quality of faith and conduct or lifestyle?
True disciples totally follow Jesus to the very end of their lives. No turning back.
On one occasion, the Lord Jesus gave a hard teaching on commitment to Him. As a result some disciples deserted Him; they would no longer follow Him. Jesus turned to the 12 apostles and asked: “Will you also go? Their response, “where else is there life in which we are guaranteed total fulfilment and eternal life. You alone have eternal life. You alone give abundant life. We will stick with you to the end!”
The author is a Leadership Development and Cross-cultural Ministries Consultant, an International, conference speaker and formerly General Director / CEO of Scripture Union Ghana. Email: ghanajesuscrusade@gmail.com / sughanaho@gmail.com)