Time for African heads to collaborate, not close borders
Over the past week or so, several African countries, such as, Ghana, Kenya Rwanda and South Africa have announced the closure of their borders, including airports, barring anyone from entering or leaving.
While this mirrors similar actions by developed western countries, because of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and resultant deaths, it is not good for sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries to close their borders to people from the continent.
Yes, by all means, stop people from the affected countries from coming in, to limit the risk of infections, but not your own citizens and neighbours, when you have just a handful of cases and deaths, literally in double digits.
At the time of writing, globally, there are currently about 400,000 COVID-19 cases and more than 18,000 deaths, although the numbers keep rising. However, in Africa as a whole, the number has only just surpassed 1,600 cases with deaths in single or double digits in most countries.
Egypt, South Africa, Algeria and Tunisia alone account for about half of the total cases on the continent. With the exception of South Africa, the reported cases in SSA are relatively low and most of these were imported from outside the continent, although there are now cases of local transmissions.
No doubt, the virus is spreading fast and decisive measures are needed to limit widespread infections. I do not in any way deny the seriousness of COVID-19. Like everyone else, I am impacted by the pandemic.
For instance, I have loved ones in Italy who are suffering in the total lockdown imposed. My daughter is presently in mandatory quarantine. I personally have been ordered to work from home along with 1,000 fellow workers.
I am stuck in a foreign country and cannot go home due to border closures. So, short of catching the dreaded virus myself, I am feeling the impact.
The above notwithstanding, there is little basis, scientifically or commercially, for closing the borders to fellow citizens or neighbours in SSA countries.
Not the solution
The World Health Organisation (WHO), at the onset of COVID-19 in China, advised against the closing of national borders as not the solution.
Rather, their prescription was simple: (a) test, test, test every suspected case, (b) isolate those found or suspected to be positive, (c) trace all contacts of those infected, (d) treat and (e) maintain social distancing. This is the scientific advice. South Korea has achieved remarkable results for doing just that.
From a trade perspective, the blanket border closures are ill-conceived. In 2017, intra-Africa trade was 17 per cent, compared to 68 per cent in Europe, 59 per cent in Asia and 50 per cent in the Americas.
Instead of seizing the opportunity in adversity to support each other and in the process increase trade with our neighbours, we have rather chosen to follow others and shut borders to all.
The impact of this on our economies is grave. Consider, for example, our fragile, loss-making airlines, such as, Kenya Airways and South African Airways, the largest in SSA, next to Ethiopian Airlines. Or the impact on hotels, restaurants, shops, transport, to mention but a few, and the people who work in these sectors.
Can Africa afford?
The West can go into lockdowns and inject money into their businesses and economies. Germany has just announced a 600 billion euros stimulus package, while the US Senate has just approved $2 trillion.
With a stimulus package of £330 billion, the UK has announced a raft of measures, including paying up to 80 per cent of salaries of workers (subject to set limits). What about African countries, how much stimulus have we injected into our economies?
What are we doing to help our already weak and disadvantaged businesses and economies? No country in SSA can afford anything close to the packages of the developed countries.
So, while it may be okay for countries elsewhere to go into lockdown and close borders, governments in SSA ought to be more circumspect.
I wonder if the decision to close our borders was informed by a regulatory impact analysis or any such review. When would we learn that a borderless Africa would allow us to be more competitive in global trade?
Is this not the time for our political leaders to put their heads together and be united in their interventions, including mass production and joint purchasing of medical supplies?
After all, is this not the essence of the African Union (AU) and the African Free Continental Trade Agreement (AFTCA)? It is time for our heads of state to collaborate better.
The writer is a Development Consultant