The experts on second coming of Jesus
The Greek word “parousia” consists two parts – “para” that means “besides” or “alongside” while “ousia” is the equivalent of the English phrase “to be”.
The correct translation of the passage of Mathew 24: 3 – “What shall be the sign of thy second coming and of the end of the world?”-- should be: “What shall be the sign of thy presence and of the end of the age?”
An age passes and another age comes, in continuity. That does not bring the world to an end. Jesus will return in an age that replaces the present age.
The Bible Truth Keys presents its position in the words quoted below.
“At His resurrection, Jesus was changed from a human being to a highly exalted spiritual being with a spiritual body.
“We should not expect Jesus to return in a human body. His second coming is to be in a different manner and a different purpose than His first coming.”
Jesus demonstrated this point by app