Mary’s Magnificat – A perfect model of faith expression
Mary’s Magnificat has 10 chapters in 127 pages. The foreword of this great book has this to say, “Mary’s Magnificat on the one hand coincides with and contributes to the deepening of our Christian experience during the year of faith. On the other hand, it refocuses our attention on Mary as a timeless model for every Christian. These comments summarise the import of what the book seeks to communicate.
In the introduction, the writer expresses in a very simple characteristic way how his misconception of a devotion group inspired his curiosity that subsequently resulted in his praying the rosary and eventually developing the interest to write when he had to give a talk on the topic, “praise and worship.” This was the turning moment when God inspired the theme “Magnificat” in his heart.
CHAPTER 1 – This recounts the background of the title among others, the meaning of the word Magnificat and how this song of Mary parallels Hannah’s own song of praise in 1 Sam. 2. This chapter also explains how a soul can magnify God and the author intimates that the Most Blessed Virgin Mary in singing this sacred hymn was speaking out of her own experience in which she was enlightened and instructed by the Holy Spirit.
CHAPTER 2 – This chapter gives the background to the Magnificat, expressing the joy of motherhood. Mary shares her joy with Elizabeth, a joy that is so intense. In contrast, Joseph the husband was confused. The author poses a question, “what would any man have done in such a situation?”
CHAPTER 3 – This chapter explains what made Mary give her fiat (her yes). The explanation is good and this makes for easy reading. The chapter ends with a cursory look at the words of the Magnificat.
CHAPTER 4 – In this chapter, Mary says, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour” (Lk. 1:46-47). So the question posed is, “what is your soul doing for the Lord?” The focus in this chapter is what God did for Mary and Mary’s acknowledgement.
CHAPTER 5 – This chapter treats the line “For he has looked with favour on the lowliness of his servant, surely from now on all generation will call me blessed (Lk. 1:48).”
The author says, “My greatest joy is that I will be counted among the generation that acknowledged Mary as blessed. What about you?” This chapter also examines very instructively the beatitudes of Jesus. This supports and explains what it means to be blessed.
CHAPTER 6 – This chapter treats Luke. 1:49 which says: “for the mighty one has done great things for me and holy is his name.” Are you aware that most people, whatever they have accomplished is attributed to their own effort. But Mary sees it differently when she exclaims with an expression that is alluding to God's power to create the child in her womb “Mighty One.” Can you say with Mary, “God has done great things for me?” Another phrase that is well-explained is “Holy is his name” The rest of the chapter is so interesting you would not want to miss.
CHAPTER 7 – Lk. 1:50 is the subject of discussion in this chapter. “His mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation.” The author explains that mercy is not automatic for all. It is reserved for those who fear the Lord. “What then is the fear of the Lord?” He asks. Friends in Christ, you have to read this book.
CHAPTER 8 – The part of the magnificat which says, “He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts.” Luke 1:51 is treated in this chapter. Once again, the author has done justice to this powerful statement. He has explained that the verse states the fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant by completing God's plan of salvation for the fallen human race through the coming of Jesus, His son. The Lord demonstrates his strength, His omnipotence, according to a timetable and plan. Some further useful and insightful statements have been made, all in a bid to help us appreciate God’s intervention in the life of his people. Don’t miss this chapter.
CHAPTER 9 – The author in this chapter shows mastery over the issues at stake by appreciating the scripture and probing further possibilities that could best complement the statement of Mary in Lk. 1:52-53. “He brought down the powerful from their thrones and lifted up the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things and sent the rich away empty.” The author brings out some contrast and yet offers very practical examples that make understanding easy.
CHAPTER 10 – The promise of God is for all. This is very reassuring. In the concluding statement of the Magnificat, Mary makes such a poignant expression that reveals God’s loving care for even generations to come whose destiny was determined a long time ago during the generation of their ancestors when he promised them.
In this last verse, Mary acknowledges the faithfulness of God towards Israel, especially as regards the promise God made to Abraham and his descendants.
Mary herself is a beneficiary of this promise and could not fathom how a poor village girl like her could become the final bearer of this promise namely Jesus Christ
The book treats a central figure in the person of Mary, a woman who was beside herself for meriting such a choice as the child bearer of the Son of God, the Messiah who was to come. Naturally, one would expect that such a highly favoured woman would have escaped all the pains of human daily struggle but this was not to be. Mary endured seven painful sorrowful experiences otherwise known as the “Seven sorrows of Mary”. These sorrows have been spread over seven out of the 10 chapters.
We must remember that every rose has a thorn. Life is more complete when we accept the other side of whatever comes our way. God promises us heaven but we must faithfully endure the hellish experiences of life. Mary was blessed and highly favoured but she had to endure seven sorrows which she faithfully endured to the very end.
This rich resource material would give you the capacity to create a balance between God’s blessings and the daily human challenges we have to deal with. Above all, a good reading of this book certainly will lead you to faith in God.
“May Mary our mother through her maternal love hold our hands and lead us continually to her son”.