Every difficulty comes with ease
Allah,the almighty, has fashioned the world in such a way that "difficulty" and "ease" are bed fellows. Every "difficulty" has an in-built mechanism for arriving at the "ease". The Holy Quran also states: "for indeed, with hardship(will) be ease (i.e. relief ) Holy Quran 94:5
I have stated earlier that the above two principles are related to work and effort-making and the link between them and time-management is that they operate within the confines of time.
Efforts can be genuinely made when one is strongly conscious of the fact that time is not there to be misused. But it needs a conscious self to do this. The conscious self is the one who is aware of the fact that when a difficulty sets in, it does not signal the end of life.
Rather, it is a manifestation of a new gateway in life pregnant with adversities that have to be surmounted at all times. Additionally, the conscious self is also aware of the basic facts that every difficulty comes with its own ease.
It is in view of this that some social thinkers have aptly indicated that difficulties come along with challenges that open up new opportunities. And, that is absolutely correct. But having access to opportunities in situations of difficulties call for possession of a certain level of consciousness manifested in tenacity of spirit, will and purpose.
When man is confronted with a difficulty, his psychological self reacts in a particular fashion. He either holds the bull by the horn and move along with his purposeful life or breaks down under the weight of the prevailing adversity or difficulty.
Indeed, if he is able to hold the bull by the horn and acts courageously and judiciously then he is clearly exhibiting the hallmark of a true conscious self.
He/she has to be emboldened by the Quranic repeated description that:
" For indeed, with hardship (will be) ease (i.e. Relief ) Indeed, with hardship will be ease". Holy Quran 94: 5-6.
Yes, that is a basic reality of life pronounced clearly by the Holy Book. Stand up with deep faith in the Creator and address any difficult situation with all the courage and sense of purpose and action it deserves.
In concluding the piece on this principle, it is imperative to point out another life principle which is a bye-product or a concomitant of the principle of "every difficulty comes with ease". And, it is the principle of 'trials and tribulations in life'. Trials normally have the in-built trait of coming along with difficulties that have to be faced. Of course, the Creator has clearly indicated the purpose of trials and tribulations in the following Quranic expressions:
"Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe' and they will not be tried?
"But We have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident the liars". Holy Quran 29:2-3
Yes that is the tradition of Allah, the almighty in creation. Trials, therefore, act as a cleansing process to distinguish between sincere believers in Allah, the Almighty and hypocrites