Away with these in the new year
The new year has just begun and we thank God for successfully seeing us through the old one while counting on him for guidance through the new.
As the saying goes, an unexamined life is not worth living.
While we took opportunity of the break to wine, dine, socialise and worship, it also afforded us the time to reflect on our lives as individuals, as families, as corporate institutions and most importantly as a nation.
In all these, there were things that we may want to continue for the betterment of our good selves and society at large.
There were also others that we need to eschew as a people in order to hasten our forward march towards development.
Noise making
Over the period, there have been a few court verdicts that have been significant in the fight against noise pollution/nuisance.
These were made possible by individuals who dedicated their time and resources to ensure in a legal way that their peace which had been disturbed for so long, was restored.
I found these cases as significant and an indication that all was not lost.
It was also in consonance with the President’s call to us to be citizens and not spectators.
A serene environment is very necessary for us, as humans, to think. therefore, in our situation where noise prevails, it is of little wonder that most of our actions lack serious thought processes.
Fake pastors
There is another thing which must be consigned to history.
This year should not be a free for all environment for so- called pastors of all shades to continue to fleece their flock and cause them harm while we look on with the excuse that matters of religion and faith cannot be intervened in.
We should either insist on self-regulation or the state must come in to protect the citizenry, especially children and women, as for now respect for the clergy is getting lost.
The current situation where people give themselves titles and use such to cause harm should not be allowed to continue.
Bold decision on commercial motorbike riders
In spite of several discussions made on the subject of the operation of commercial motorbike riders, no bold decisions have been taken on them yet.
And they keep being a nuisance to themselves and others on the road.
Either we get them to obey road traffic regulations and ensure that only those who have gone through some training do the riding to ensure sanity on our roads or we take a bold decision to take them off the roads.
Banish excess foreign content in media
Across the mass media, majority are dominated with foreign content ranging from very old documentaries to foreign soap operas which have no bearing on our society.
While a little of that will spice our content, to have it dominate is most unfortunate and we must have it addressed.
The National Media Commission should ensure that the amount of chaff on our screens are sieved leaving only the wheat.
We should consume more local content.
More local consumption
Closely linked to this is our large appetite for foreign goods.
This appetite must be controlled and we must carry on with local consumption in order to save us the very much needed foreign exchange for development and create employment.
Why would we leave our local fruits to rot, for instance, while we go chasing bottled juices of questionable qualities from foreign lands?
Banking and microfinance issues
We must also banish the attitude that led to the collapse of many of our financial institutions.
This does not augur well for our national development.
And while advising the cat, let us also advise the salty fish.
That is to say that those who invested their monies in financial institutions of questionable character should, moving forward, be very prudent in where they invest their hard-earned monies.
And people must be made to understand that where they invest their money is their individual responsibility and they must be ready to enjoy or suffer for the decisions they make.
This year we must take practical measures to reduce filth in our communities, especially plastic waste. The filth is not only an eyesore but is definitely the cause of many of our diseases.
Finally, I challenge the Police service to work towards erasing their name from the annual list of the most corrupt institutions in the country. Happy New Year!
Writer’s E-mail: doreen.hammond@graphic.com.gh/aamakai@rocketmail.com