Yvonne Nelson's memoir exposes dramatic marriage proposal from Duncan-Williams son
In her newly released memoir titled "I am not Yvonne Nelson," Ghanaian actress Yvonne Nelson has revealed an intriguing encounter with Joel Duncan-Williams, the son of renowned Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams.
Yvonne discloses the unconventional manner in which Joel approached her with a marriage proposal, which ultimately led to the end of their friendship.
The incident took place in 2009 while Yvonne was on set shooting the movie "The Prince's."
Per Yvonne's account in the book, Joel, accompanied by an impressive entourage of security guards, visited the set, initially intending to see someone else. However, during his visit, Yvonne captured his attention, and she soon became more significant to him than the person he had initially come to meet.
Yvonne describes Joel's imposing presence and the subsequent days and weeks of his persistent affection. He would buy her lunch and visit her on set, accompanied by his security detail. She couldn't help but wonder about the level of threat he faced that necessitated such extensive protection. Despite being unsure of her feelings towards Joel, she soon discovered that he had already advanced plans for marriage. However, an unexpected turn of events abruptly terminated their friendship before it had a chance to develop further.
One evening, Joel arrived at Yvonne's residence with his customary princely entourage, creating a spectacle that attracted the attention of the entire neighborhood. During the visit, he divulged his plans for their marriage. However, he stipulated that Yvonne had to undergo a prayer session with his father to rid her and her family of any perceived demonic influences. Yvonne found this request perplexing and even raised the question of whether Joel considered the need for his own spiritual cleansing. She highlighted that being the son of Archbishop Duncan-Williams did not automatically signify possession by the Holy Spirit or divine protection. Yvonne also questioned the assumption that her career as an actress made her a carrier of malevolent spirits.
Yvonne emphasizes that spirituality held a significant place in her household, with her mother's deep sense of religious devotion influencing their daily lives. Moreover, she personally maintained a habit of praying before commencing any acting role. While Yvonne acknowledges her belief in God and the power of prayer, she found it amusing that someone seeking her hand in marriage believed she required spiritual purification even before her consent was secured. The idea of one-sided cleansing struck her as imbalanced and revealed a mindset prevalent among many men, particularly in Ghana and Nigeria.
Yvonne describes this mindset as an entitlement, perpetuating the notion of a male-dominated society where women are expected to be subservient and conform to the wishes and demands of men. It reflects an unwritten rule that prioritizes a man's ambitions over a woman's own priorities and emotions. In Joel Duncan-Williams' case, it became evident that he only considered his perspective and interests, failing to recognize the importance of mutual understanding and respect. Yvonne further highlights that this entitlement mindset extends to the forceful assertion of control over women's bodies, an issue she became more aware of during her time in the movie industry.
Yvonne's memoir offers a candid and thought-provoking reflection on societal expectations, gender dynamics, and the need for mutual respect in relationships.