Children are already exposed to profanity- Rex Omar
A veteran musician, Rex Omar has described songs tagged as profane to be a coin with two different sides, depending on the angle one looks at it.
The highlife artiste has, therefore, urged Ghanaians to give their wards sex education rather than protecting them from it since the children are already aware of what they are being protected from.
“The internet is everywhere. Children use phones nowadays. The kids we think we are protecting are more exposed than what we think they are," he said, adding "...yes, let talk about it; let write songs about it as we write songs about so many things.”
Speaking on Hitz FM Tuesday morning, November 13, Rex Omar said profane songs are written based on life experiences, stressing that creativity is the thing of the mind.
The Abiba hitmaker, however, kicked against attempts to censor songs in Ghana because to him, censorship will kill creativity since it will control lyrics of songs and that will make artistes stiff in playing with words.
“The attraction between a man and a woman is natural.. its part of creation," Rex Omar.