Sandra Ababio wages war on streetism
Although she likes to play bad girl roles in movies, actress Sandra Ababio is anything but bad or disrespectful in real life and has a strong desire to help people build a better life for themselves.
Growing up, it was her prayer that she would be in a position to contribute her quota to reducing streetism and drug abuse among the youth.
Today, she believes she has attained a certain status for her to take up that mission and that is why yesterday, Wednesday, May 30, she initiated her campaign in Accra.
The campaign also coincided with the launch of her NGO, The Sandra Ababio Foundation.
“You know, I feel really bad when I hear news of how much into drugs some of the youth are.
It breaks my heart and that is why I decided to take this up.
“For me, I believe that when those living on the street have something to do, like vocational skills etc, it will help shape them to be better people instead of being a nuisance.
“We are the future leaders of this country and we need to protect ourselves.
If people like me who are exposed do not use our platforms to help people and address issues like this then who will? She asked.
She added, “Doing drugs is not something that should be encouraged, armed robbery is not good, sometimes I read the ages of the people involved in these deviant behaviours and I cry, I feel bad.
“I ask myself, how, why, when did we get here? As a country with able bodied men and beautiful ladies who could do something better with their lives, why do they have to resort to such acts to survive?”
Asked what measures she has put in place to make the initiative a success, Sandra said “My team and I are planning to solicit for funds to put the youth on the streets into school and apprenticeship.
The beneficiaries cut across all genders and we hope to work with other ministries.”
According to Sandra, she actively started acting in 2013 and can boast of about 50 movies.
Among them are; Wo Gye Den, Trophy, John and John, Nipa Nia N’den and Dr Panie.