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Samreboi erupts in celebration as Stonebwoy, Obaapa Christie rock FC Samartex coronation

Last Sunday, the usually busy but tranquil town of Samreboi exploded into a vibrant all-night fiesta, ignited by the electrifying performances of dancehall sensation Stonebwoy and acclaimed gospel artist Obaapa Christie.


 The occasion? The jubilant celebration of FC Samartex 1996's coronation as the undisputed kings of Ghana football.This epic bash coincided with Eid al-Adha and Father's Day, creating a perfect storm of festivity.

The Samreboi Police Station roundabout morphed into a pulsating party zone as the town's youth flocked to the giant stage, eager to soak up nearly five hours of high-energy music and dance.

The event, meticulously organised as part of the club's victory celebrations, saw the crowd revel in the musical magic well into the night.

Earlier that day, FC Samartex clinched a decisive 2-0 victory over Accra Lions in their final league fixture at the jam-packed Nsenkyire Sports Arena. The subsequent coronation ceremony was nothing short of spectacular, featuring a seamless blend of cultural heritage and cutting-edge technology. 

In a show-stopping moment, the league trophy was delivered by drone to a schoolgirl adorned in traditional Kente, who majestically arrived on a palanquin to present it to the eager football officials and the triumphant team captain.

Before hitting the stage, Stonebwoy joined FC Samartex players, officials, and special guests at a celebratory dinner at the Samartex Golf Club. There, he treated the gathering to some of his biggest hits, prompting an impromptu sing-along with the players turned enthusiastic backup singers. 

The excitement hit fever pitch as Stonebwoy, crowned TGMA Artiste of the Year, took centre stage as the headline act at the musical show, thrilling the ecstatic crowd who danced and sang along under the stars.

Samreboi will long remember this night which pulsed with energy and excitement, resonating with music, excitement and celebration.

Players of FC Samartex in celebration

It was a fitting tribute to FC Samartex’s remarkable season and a powerful reminder of the unifying power of sports and music to bring a community together in joy and celebration.


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