People of Sokpoe celebrate Tortsogbeza
The people of Sokpoe traditional area have celebrated their Tortsogbeza festival with a colourful re-enactment of the migration of their forefathers from their ancestral home in Notsie, Republic of the Republic of Togo century to their present settlement near Sogakofe in South Tongu of the Volta Region.
The re-enactment ceremony which formed part of activities to mark the 33rd Tortsogbeza or River Crossing festival which was under the theme Harnessing the socio-cultural uniqueness of Tortsogbeza for development held recently is likened to the biblical episode of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea to escape from Egypt.
A clan head after crossing
The ceremony saw Felix Atakli, chief priest of Akalonour shrine of Fevie pour libation at the eastern bank of the Volta River to bid the people of Sokpoe farewell to their present day settlement.
A female warrior preparing to embark
Each of the 19 clan heads used a canoe with paddles to ‘sail’ home on the river until they arrived amidst drumming, dancing, jubilation, firing of muskets and excitement.
The arrival of each of the 19 heads was unique and eventful. Some of them showcased weapons such as the catapult which were used against the enemy during the migration.
They were received by a very large number of revellers clad in red clothing to evoke emotions of the past when their forebearers had migrated in red clothes.
Chief priest of Fevie performing departure rites
After the river crossing ceremony, Dr Archibald Yao Letsa, Volta regional minister who was the special guest of honour expressed his appreciation on the organisation skills of the people adding that “ the tourism element of the festival cannot be underestimated. This is a spectacle and must be repackaged to attract tourists to the area.”
On his part, Mr C.K Amekpor, managing director of Shekinah Glory Hotel at Sogakope said the people should set real targets on using multiple resources of the Volta river to bail themselves out of impoverishment saying that there was low investment in the tourism sector because the potential had been under explored.
Some women expecting arrivals at the bank
The festival brought together citizens resident at home and abroad. Other activities that marked the celebration of the festival included water sports, diving, beach volley, boat regatta, swimming canoe riding for tourists.